lørdag 8. januar 2011

Hva er dette?

Isis on smoke and mirrors, what is really happening?
8 January 2011 - 10:43pm | petra
Petra Margolis
Isis on smoke and mirrors, what is really happening?

Dette er en høyst besynderlig kanalisering, som godt kan leses, men den må vurderes nøye før eventuell tilslutning, etter min mening.

"As I was getting ready to write down this message I was watching some TV and the big news was that maybe hundreds of thousands of birds were dropping dead all over the world, just after or around the New Year. And I remembered a YouTube someone sent me about the strange seismic event happening just before the end of the year."

Her kan du lese originalen: http://lightworkers.org/spiritual-channeling-ascended-masters-channel

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