lørdag 31. august 2013



"Beloved masters, after you came into your individualized consciousness, realizing that you were a Divine Spark of the Supreme Creator, the ALL THAT IS, you were programmed with the knowledge that you were predestined to journey forth into the great unmanifested void as an emissary of Light. Your Divine Mission was encoded deep within your Immortal Soul-self, as well as within your Sacred Heart Seed Atom.  You, along with all the other " awakened Sparks of Self-awareness," were destined to experience all the wondrous diversity of creation for the Creator, our Father/Mother God, and all the great Beings of Light, whose predetermined mission mandated that they would remain in the higher, rarified realms of Light.

We tell you this because we wish to impress upon you how ancient and complex you are.  You came into this lifetime with a wealth of knowledge and a rich, composite lineage encoded within your DNA, your cellular structure, your mental and emotional bodies, as well as an extensive chakra system of virtues, qualities and talents.  You may have wondered why the members of some families can be so different physically, mentally and emotionally when, from an earthly point-of-view, they came from the same parents and lineage.  The lineage of your physical family in this lifetime is only a minuscule portion of your vast history and priceless heritage-of who you truly are.

You have separated your consciousness or fragmented yourself millions of times in order to experience the great diversity of Creation, and you have also reunited with many of the multiple facets of yourself more times than you can count.  Each time you did so, you added more complex information and unique experiences to your memory bank. The farther you moved away from the perfection of the Supreme Creator, and the deeper you moved into multi-dimensionality, the denser and less perfect your creations became, for you had less pure Light substance to work with. Therefore, there is no blame and there should be no feelings of guilt and failure, for each lifetime was designed as a carefully planned learning experience. However, this round of Cosmic Creative Expansion is now coming to a close. It is now time for you to reclaim your Self-mastery and the ability to create things of beauty and harmony in accordance with the original, higher-level Divine plan."     forts.

Who you truly are is of an order of magnificence that is impossible to describe adequately - August 30, 2013 by John Smallman

Vi har aldri vært atskilt fra den åndelige verden, sier John Smallman, og fortsetter; våkne opp og bli med på moroa som skjer rundt deg ... .  Vi får tilsendt kjærlighet i en evig strøm nå, og vi får vite at vi aldri har vært skilt fra den åndelige verden. Han forteller oss at vi velger å se hverandre som venner eller fiender, framfor å se forskjeller.  Det er på grunn av denne frykten, at vi har bygd opp vegger rundt oss. Nå skal vi imidlertid våkne!  Våkne opp og bli klar over situasjonen slik den virkelig er.  Kollektivt har vi problemer med å slå øynene opp ennå, men valget om å våkne har vi allerede tatt individuelt.  Det kollektive valget henger fortsatt igjen og derfor velger vi å se trusler eller fiender når vi observerer fremmede.  

John Smallman;
Who you truly are is of an order of magnificence that is impossible to describe adequately  -  August 30, 2013 by John Smallman
"Here in the spiritual realms, from which, in truth, you are not and never have been separated, we who are awake and watching over you as you sleep are sending you Love in a constant stream, or more aptly like a river in full flood.  We are encouraging you to wake up and join in the fun that is going on all round you, because we do not like to see you missing any of it, even for the brief moment that you have chosen to spend in your illusory dreamworld.  Waking up is not hard, and with our encouragement you will make the choice to do so.  In fact, you have already made that choice; you are just having difficulty collectively in choosing the most appropriate moment – the moment when you drop all those defensive walls that are protecting your fears, and allow Love to pour in and sweep them away, awakening you into your natural state of fully conscious, alive awareness.

Fear is an aspect of the illusion that has strengthened over the eons as you became more unaccepting of those whom you considered different from yourselves – those who did not “belong” to your tribe, village, church, race – an ever-expanding selection of identifying features that you used to define others as either friends or enemies.  And enemies could, at any moment, attack and destroy you, or so it seemed, leading to your underlying sense of fear.  Not too much has changed: you still choose mainly to see threats or enemies rather than just differences when you observe strangers.

Nevertheless, great progress has been made in recent decades to change this mindset, and there is still much more to do.  However, the progress that has already been made has paved the way for the enormous changes that are still needed and that are being pointed out by newly formed organizations of caring and compassionate wayshowers.  Change is in the air and many are looking ahead with excited anticipation as they foresee the old unloving attitudes being replaced by new ones that will understand and integrate your worldwide, multicultural societies into one grand and loving community, replacing the divisive and separatist beliefs that have for so long brought such extensive pain and suffering to humanity, so that all may know themselves to be welcome, accepted, and essential parts of the larger whole, as they truly are."   forts.

torsdag 29. august 2013

Your lives are about to change, drastically and forever! 07/31/2013 by John Smallman | Jesus through John

Resymé:  Når vi nå går fra illusjon til virkelighet, blir vi helt oppslukt av det nye, sier Jesus og John Smallman.  Det gamle er ikke lenger relevant for oss å hegne om.  Vi vil være i øyeblikket, der hvor Livet egentlig utfolder seg.  

"When your move into fully conscious living replaces your present illusory state of existence, as it very soon will, you will be so engrossed with the new environment you are busy adapting to that your interest in “what is to come” will have evaporated, because you will experience it as being no longer pertinent or of interest. In this new “now moment,” there is no future, nothing to look forward to, because there is only the eternal, joy-filled now moment. You truly have absolutely no idea of the wonders to which you will soon be gloriously re-exposed, when you awaken into your natural and divine state as fully conscious entities at One with God.

Your lives are about to change, drastically and forever! And the changes that are about to occur would absolutely blow your minds if you had to negotiate your way through them while still operating within your present, unbelievably restricted and literally disabled human intelligence, rather than those divinely created and infinitely talented minds with which your Father endowed you. What has been your experience until now – the state of conscious awareness that in your collective human experience has been considered normal and acceptable to you – is about to disintegrate, be blown away, and replaced with a state which, in comparison to what you have come to accept as normal, is utterly beyond ecstasy. The joy that is about to envelop and embrace you can be neither described nor anticipated because it is completely beyond the ability of humanity’s limited intelligence to even conceive of. Imagine a small child being taken for the first time to the most magnificent amusement park on the planet and on arrival there, being given an unlimited supply of tickets for all the rides. Can you put yourselves in its shoes? Even if you can, you have not even started to conceive of the joys that await you when you awaken, shortly, into your natural and fully conscious state."   forts.

Ronna Hermans siste melding fra erkeengelen Michael - September 2013 - "THE PATH OF ASCENSION IS THE PATH TO FREEDOM"

Slektslinjene i den fysiske familien på Jorda, er bare en forsvinnende liten del av den enorme historien og uvurderlige arven, av den vi i virkeligheten er, sier Ronna Herman.  Med dette forstår vi at det er uråd å ha et fulldekkende bilde av, hva et menneske er, ved å følge de jordiske slektslinjene.  Vi er så mye, mye mer.

Dette får vi et visst begrep om når vi vet at vi har fragmentert oss sjøl millioner av ganger. For hver gang ble vi mer komplekse og unike.  Jo lenger vi kom bort fra Skaperens perfeksjon, jo dypere gled vi inn i multidimensjonalitet og fikk mindre tilgang til Lys. Dette gjorde menneskene mindre perfekte.  Dette var en nøye planlagt erfaring vi skulle ha.

Vi er nå i avslutningsfasen av den Kosmisk Kreative Ekspansjonen (Cosmic Creative Expansion), og er klare for å snu denne parodien.  Våre Star Seed Souls leder an i denne snuoperasjonen.  Det er når vi etter hvert forstår stadig mer av denne prosessen, at vi utvider vårt perspektiv. Vi blir etter hvert ikke-dømmende - vi koples fra det dramatiske spillet.

"Beloved masters, after you came into your individualized consciousness, realizing that you were a Divine Spark of the Supreme Creator, the ALL THAT IS, you were programmed with the knowledge that you were predestined to journey forth into the great unmanifested void as an emissary of Light. Your Divine Mission was encoded deep within your Immortal Soul-self, as well as within your Sacred Heart Seed Atom. You, along with all the other “awakened Sparks of Self-awareness,” were destined to experience all the wondrous diversity of creation for the Creator, our Father/Mother God, and all the great Beings of Light, whose predetermined mission mandated that they would remain in the higher, rarified realms of Light.
We tell you this because we wish to impress upon you how ancient and complex you are. You came into this lifetime with a wealth of knowledge and a rich, composite lineage encoded within your DNA, your cellular structure, your mental and emotional bodies, as well as an extensive chakra system of virtues, qualities and talents. You may have wondered why the members of some families can be so different physically, mentally and emotionally when, from an earthly point-of-view, they came from the same parents and lineage. The lineage of your physical family in this lifetime is only a minuscule portion of your vast history and priceless heritage–of who you truly are."   forts.

søndag 25. august 2013

You are on schedule for lives of joy and abundance - August 25, 2013 by John Smallman

"Humanity has caught the “ascension wave” and is riding it beautifully!  It really is as though you had been standing in the surf, waiting for that special wave – that electrifyingly large one.  Then it arrived.  You caught it brilliantly, and now you are flying with it towards your most breathtaking and enthralling destination – surfer heaven, your awakening into Reality!

It does seem to many of you, to put it rather graphically, that “all hell is breaking loose” in many places across the planet.  Do not be alarmed.  The old order is merely in the process of disintegrating and pieces are flying every which way, as in an explosion.  When the dust and debris settle, a gentle peace and an uplifting calm, the one for which so many have been hoping and praying, will prevail.

You are on course and on schedule for lives of joy and abundance, totally free from fear and worry as the disintegration of the old order makes way for the new order based most firmly on the Golden Rule (always treat others with the love and respect with which you would wish to be treated) which all will honor in every situation.  The time for lying, manipulating, cheating, deceiving, and betrayal is ending, permanently.

The Love from which you were all created can no longer be denied or hidden as It wells up inside the hearts of all on Earth.  Your nature is to share, and Love is for sharing abundantly and constantly, thus bringing the sweetness of divine contentment to all and into every interaction.  You will be absolutely amazed when you discover the myriad ways in which you can share and bring unending happiness to one another.  And then, of course, that amazement will dissolve into delighted appreciation as you remember that what is occurring is utterly natural, that nothing else is possible, because in Reality the divine Will is always present and completely effective.  Nothing is missing, nothing is needed, all is as it should be in perfect untroubled harmony."    forts.

Alle har vi vår frie vilje i både Gammel og Ny Ubalanse ...

Hvordan var hovedtrekkene i menneskenes liv før dette skiftet vi er inne i.  Kryon forklarer;  Siden vår vilje er fri, så er det faktisk vi som bestemmer.  Vi kan bli forespurt om vi ønsker det eller det, men det endelige valget er det vi som tar.  Der er vi suverene, kan vi vel innbille oss.  Vi er mesterlige nå.

En ny type ubalanse vil komme, sier Kryon, og jeg forstår det som om vi trenger en viss ubalanse å bryne oss på. Er det slik at denne ubalansen i menneskenes rike, er der for at vi skal ha det som et slags arbeid, nemlig å klare å stå oppreist i den spesielle motstanden.  Jeg tenker øyeblikkelig på å bevege meg i sterk motvind.  Denne motstanden er vårt egentlige arbeidsstykke i livene vi lever. Det er den motstanden vi trenger og som egentlig er vår sjef i den daglige dont gjennom de ulike livene. Kryon forteller oss at det skal bli flere skolemassakrer også, det hører med til oppløsningstida nå mellom de aktuelle dimensjonene.  

Nå er vi alle i den båten vi kan kaller 'Destrukturering'.  Vi må destrukturere oss på samme måte som Lee måtte gjøre det da han skulle begynne å kanalisere for Kryon, for ikke å falère overfor oppgaven han hadde begynt på - å tyde språket fra den andre siden.

Før 2013 arbeidet vi i et annet puslespill, sier Kryon, fordi det var ingen absolutter om at vi verken gjorde det ene eller det andre.  Vi ble tilbudt mange muligheter, og der sto vi med favnen full.  Dette er jo en læringsprosess på samme tid, så de er jo ikke så uvitende om hva vi velger, men poenget er at vi skal velge ut fra vår frie vilje. Bak alt, kan vi se spillet som er igang og som vi deltar i på såkalt frivillig grunnlag! (Vi kjenner jo spillet på kroppen enkelte ganger gjennom livet.  Det har sikkert alle opplevd.)

Det tok Lee fire år bare for å åpne munnen, sier Kryon, og så tok det ytterligere tre år før flyten i hans tale kom. Enkelt for oss mennesker er det tydeligvis ikke å tilegne oss dette språket på nytt.  Jeg er overbevist om at vi alle kan det, langt der inne et sted. Men hva hjelper det når vår innbilningskraft og neglisjering av oss sjøl, er så kjempestor.  

Av det Kryon sier om denne prosessen, forstår vi at det ikke var så enkelt for Lee. Men ære være han og alle andre som bare står på og ikke gir seg før de mestrer det de skal mestre.  Dermed får vi andre beskjeder direkte fra Kilden, og det nyter vi godt av igjen. Slik hjelper vi hverandre vi mennesker, og det er blant annet et svært fint trekk i menneskenes karakter. Takk til oss alle sammen for det!  Og hvorfor gjør vi dette, kan vi spørre. For å finne storheten i oss sjøl, sier Kryon!  Intet mindre. Vi har noe verdifullt i oss, alle sammen, det er bare å ha tillit til at det er slik. Vi er verdifulle, alle sammen. Tro det du også!


LIVE KRYON CHANNELLING - "2013 - A Difficult Year"

This live channelling was Given in Laguna Hills, California.
July 14, 2013

"To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Laguna Hills in 2013.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. In this moment, in this room, it would appear that there is a switch or a change in energy. Those who would sit and listen may not be aware of the profundity of what has happened to my partner, corporally, in order to channel. In this moment, all of the cells in his body recognize the state he is in and they have suspended all unnecessary corporeal processes. They have suspended the aging, digestion, and even pain. They have suspended all of these things so that they can be listening and be ready for the energy of the pineal. It is opening with as few filters as possible, and this will allow the voice that they know is in them to come through. The voice is the one from home. That's what happening

So there is a cooperative energy here and it's new, for in an older energy if you talked to some who would go into a trance back then, they would come out of it and tell you it was an exhausting experience. They might say, "This has sapped me of energy! I'm tired." However, when my partner is finished with the channelling, he might dance! (if he knew how). Indeed, the energy is great and grand and he is not tired at the end. This is because in the few moments that he is in this altered multi-dimensional state, he is infused not just with information, but with life force. He's in a state that most Human Beings do not allow themselves to be in. It's a state that is completely and totally open to the energy of the "God part" of the Human Being. In this state, there's healing and an allowance of change. So I'm giving you information that is far more personal than just messages from the other side of the veil. It talks to the God part of you! It's interactive.

This is a difficult year (2013) and we are going to explain more about that in just a moment. But right now, I want to tell you yet again that I am not here as an isolated consciousness. What you're hearing now is a succinct, linear transmission in your language, which you are able to understand. For 23 years, my partner has been practicing this. It took him four years just to open his mouth and try it. It took him another three before it was actually flowing in sentences, for what we started within him is the bridge that he had to understand and cross. He started with thought groups, which had no linearity. It was all conceptual. Soon he got those thoughts delivered in more linearity, but he couldn't remember what they were, because they came in too fast. Back then, there was no interaction with his consciousness self, and the messages were simply delivered to him to then be remembered and spoken back to an audience. It was almost like he was storing thought and then giving it back in language."    forts.

Benjamin Fulford: “Chaos and panic spreading amongst cabalists, more heads to roll soon ” – 15 July 2013

Nå er det livlig i Cabalist-leiren!  De forstår for lengst at slaget er tapt, de greide ikke å føre menneskeheten ut i elendighet, men havnet der sjøl.  Det er tragisk at slike tanker har overlevd til denne dag, men snart er det slutt på de ville tanker i verden. Heretter blir det smulere farvann vi beveger oss i, hvor det knapt er en krusning å se noe sted.  Det skal bli vidunderlig, for ikke å si himmelsk.

"Benjamin Fulford: “Chaos and panic spreading amongst cabalists, more heads to roll soon ” – 15 July 2013

The cabal that illegally and surreptitiously seized power in the West knows it has lost the war for planetary control. The result is spreading chaos and panic amongst the cabal elite. The signs of this are everywhere now both in the public realm and in the still secret world of military, spy and gangster agencies.

On the public side, the head of Homeland Security and 15 top Sabbatean agents within that department were fired last week, joining the 26 generals, CIA head David Petraeus, Senate Intelligence Committee Chief J. Rockefeller, Pope Maledict, Queen Beatrix of Holland, Prime Minister Julia Gillard of Australia, King Albert II of Belgium and many others in a purge of cabalist operators. Only Eric Holder now stands, and probably not for long, between President Obama and the legal moves to remove him from office.

On the yet to be made public side of things, Italian P2 freemason lodge members say former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy is planning to seek political refugee status, maybe in Russia. In Japan, public security police sources say that cancer-stricken Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has only a few months left to live and that a replacement has already been chosen from within the current ruling clique.

There are also ongoing secret negotiations between representatives of the Gnostic Illuminati, the heads of the world’s martial arts societies, the White Dragon Society, the government of Russia, the dragon family and the Green and Blue among others. According to several key negotiators there is a broad agreement on the need to replace the current ruling structure of the planet with something more benevolent. There is disagreement however between hardliners, mostly in the Western military intelligence apparatus, who want to completely eliminate the 13 Sabbatean bloodlines and the moderates, including the White Dragon Society and various Asian groups, who favour a truth and reconciliation committee, a jubilee and a general amnesty.

In any case, discussions about what comes next are still taking a back seat to the ongoing efforts to remove the cabal from power in the G7 countries.

The cabal has been fighting tooth and nail to keep that power. In the US, the firing of DHS head Napolitano helped derail a plot to use the highly propagandized Zimmerman trial to trigger race riots as an excuse to declare martial law in the US. The involvement of US Attorney General Eric Holder in attempts to stir up race turmoil is now being investigated."

lørdag 24. august 2013

Har alle fått nok nå ...

Det ser ut til at endringene nå kommer i en skala som gir oss alle innsyn i det nye. Jeg liker godt Gandhi's måte å si det på;   Mahatma Gandhi:  "There is no path to peace;  peace is the path".  Kom ut og ta del i marsjen på "Fredsstien", nå har vel alle fått nok av noens higen etter bruk av rå makt og drap av menneskeliv.  Vi vil ha fred på Moder Jord.  Er det så vanskelig å være medmenneske?

"Peace Portal Activation August 25th, 2013"


On August 25th, a very important portal will open that will bring a strong infusion of Light into the conflicted situation on the surface of this planet.

On that day, the next grand sextile astrological configuration of this summer after the grand sextile of July 29th will take place:

This configuration will be more powerful than the previous grand sextile because in addition to the grand sextile of the Moon, Jupiter, Sun/Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and Neptune, the astrological chart of August 25th also includes a cardinal cross of Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter and Venus.

Therefore the activation of the Peace Portal will offer an unique opportunity to transform the tension of Uranus/Pluto square (intensified on that day with Jupiter and Venus into a cardinal cross) with the harmonizing effects of the grand sextile. This means that all deeply rooted conflicts on the surface of the planet can begin to finally begin resolving if the critical mass of 144,000 people activating this portal is achieved. 

This is time-sensitive and needs to go viral! We need to reach masses of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually save human lives:"

"There is no path to peace;  peace is the path."  Mahatma Gandhi

onsdag 21. august 2013

Wake Up Call - v/ Nancy Tate - August 03, 2013

"It is days like this that I realize why I call the messages I receive Wake up Calls. When I awoke this morning I was feeling like I had come back to myself. I knew that something had come together for me in my sleeptime. I will back up a bit and tell you what has been happening.

In our time here in Santa Fe, we have met some dear and wonderful friends. Our home has been comfortable, etc. But all the time we’ve been here I’ve felt that it is a temporary place to call home, as has been our case very often. This morning it was obvious to Bob and me that the time is drawing near where we will be making a move to wherever our next place of learning and inspiration is.

In the past day we have had an experience that has brought us to this place of being. I will not go into it except to say that it was an opportunity for me to come to the realization that I have been allowing some fear to come into my life and beingness. I am setting it free. I am shedding all of the protection devices, and ways of being that I have brought into my life over the past several months and I am back to the knowing that I Am a part of The Creator, as we all are. The protection is built in. None of us is separate from God. It is a matter of us remembering that and allowing it to be the energy that propels us through our life.

I look at those around me and I see how I have brought some of their practices into my way of being. I also see that it doesn’t fit the comfort that I knew not that long ago. This morning I am feeling so clear-headed and so full of life/love that I know nothing in this world can get me down. When I hear about all that is taking place out there I send it all love. When I see the strife that is flooding the planet, I see love surrounding it and bringing it back into harmony. I live Love and I see only that which is from Love. If it seems to be ‘less than’ to others, that is their scope, and when in the past I have seen it in that way, I have felt weaker.

So I’ve learned dear ones. I am not saying that anyone is less than me. We are all equal and I love all of you. I have gone through an experience here that has brought me to the realization that I slipped from who I am in the interest of feeling worthy of anything that I wanted and tried to have. In that act of trying to feel worthy, I told myself that I was not, because if I felt I wasn’t I was creating my own reality. Someone responded to my Wake up Call the other day welcoming me back to kindergarten. I understand why now. Sometimes we have to slip back in order to see where we have been and know we deserve to be back up to where we left off in the first place. We sometimes need to go backward to see what we are capable of. Then we can soar back to the heights that we have already achieved.

Bob and I were coming home from supper out the other night, and I was thinking through about how, with some healing sessions I had recently, the psoriasis had come out in a very intense way on many parts of my body. I saw it as the example of how it is clearing out all the old stuff. But I was feeling that it shouldn’t be this way; we shouldn’t have to suffer through getting rid of that which had brought on the suffering before. Why bring more of it to our lives. Something’s not right with that picture. I also saw that was the way it is on the surface of our planet. Why should all be in turmoil, when we want peace and harmony so strongly and are working so much toward that kind of living?

Suddenly it came to me so clearly the truth about clearing out all the old stuff in the ascension process we are in. I saw that instead of asking for and allowing all that is not in harmony with love to come out and be healed, we can send love to everything that is within our bodies and within the body of Mother Earth. By doing that we heal what is within. We don’t bring forth all of the trauma and unsettled energies that have accumulated over these millennia. We then allow the clear, glowing energy to flow forth on out into the universe as the representation of who we are and our gift to all of existence.

So dear ones, I am through trying to use all of anything that is outside of me to bring about peace, harmony and joy to my body. I am through with trying to bring peace, joy and harmony to my planet. I am now sending Love from within to it all. I am living in the energy that I intend for my life and no more am I giving energy to anything that represents fear. My life says that all is in peace, joy and harmony, and Love is what is at the core of it all. Welcome back to ourselves and our ability to live our lives in the same energy as the Creator, for we are a part of that which Is All."

Thank you All,

Love, Nancy Tate

Suzanne Ward og Matthew

Dette er slutten på siste melding fra Matthew (15. august d.å.) Jeg setter den inn spesielt, fordi den har en spesiell melding å komme med til oss alle.  Det handler om St. Germain's ord denne gangen, iflg. Matthew.

"People need to know that the energy of their thoughts and feelings shoots out into the universal soup and brings back what matches the energy sent forth. They need to know how fear adversely affects their lives and that the energy of fear empowers the self-serving or short-sighted individuals who are opposing changes that can benefit the world. You can suggest “down-to-Earth” sources that explain this—The Secret, The Power of NOW and The Power of Positive Thinking are well known books.

Many other sources of excellent information also are available—some you may know about, others you may need to discover. Knowledgeable, respected individuals in areas such as economics, technology, communication, health care, law, religion, social equality, philosophy, government or the environment have written about the developments in their specialty fields that are paving the way to the kind of world that you have been helping to create all along.

You also can tell interested persons about Web sites that have accurate information regarding other civilizations’ presence, “9/11” and the Illuminati, for example. If they are open to telepathic communications, please give them the sites where our messages and those from other light sources are posted—but be very discerning about which channeled messages are credible!

Perhaps more than any other factor, though, your positive attitude about today’s happenings and what is ahead for your world will inspire others to start perceiving things that way too, and what a triumph that will be!

You may think of me as the 17-year old boy who died in a vehicle wreck and started talking telepathically with his mother 14 years later and wonder: Does he really know what he’s talking about? However, no one who knows of St. Germain doubts his ancient wisdom and knowledge!

With gratitude for permission, we share with you an excerpt from his June 12th message transmitted to Valerie Donner and posted at http://www.thegroundcrew.com/updates/vdonner/2013/061313_print.htm.

Greetings, I am St. Germain. I am pleased to speak with you again.

You can’t take anything for granted and you can’t shirk your responsibilities. As a Master, I can tell you this is the most pivotal time on the Earth.

I follow your progress and you are rich in your results. There is so much more to do in this complex ascension process. A lot is going to be required of you particularly in the area of your attitudes. A positive attitude will carry you a long way. If you rise above the turmoil and the fear-based thinking you will see there are ample opportunities for you to be of service.

Starting with yourself is the most important thing you can do. Take responsibility for thoughts, words and actions. Gather with other like-minded friends. Invite us in to help you to make plans and carry them out. Be open to connecting more with the space brothers and sisters that are also waiting to carry out their parts of the Divine Plan.

Beloved family, heeding St. Germain’s words will enrich your lives and expand love in your world. And please remember that never are you alone—myriad arms of God, unseen but powerful in their caring and capability to assist, are with you in every moment."


Matthew Ward - August 15, 2013

Information outlets; Positive vs. negative reporting, perceptions; powerful influence of lightworkers, way-showers; myriad sources of light; message from St. Germain

"With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Always we are happy to address issues that are of concern to readers and are in the minds of many others in your world too, no doubt because mainstream media are giving these topics the most coverage: Al Qaida jailbreaks, threats and splinter terrorist groups; contaminated water flowing from Fukushima nuclear facility into the ocean; mounting casualties in Syria’s civil war and the escalating conflict in Egypt.

There’s also emphasis on violence in Pakistan, wildfires, flooding, various crimes, vehicle crashes and celebrity scandals as well as speculation about a cyberspace “war,” Iran’s nuclear development stage, the use of NSA’s electronically-gathered data, and the strained relations between the leaders of Russia and the United States.

First we say that for the most part, the reporters and the few individuals who own all major media outlets still are captive of third density mentality with its predominant fear factor and proclivity for sensationalism. Thus they dependably present an alarming slant on selective world affairs and laboriously report tragic or shocking events; rarely are positive happenings considered newsworthy.

The Internet is a valuable source of enlightening, accurate information, but it also offers negatively-tilted information such as predictions of catastrophic geophysical events or dire outcomes to current situations. Usually those prognoses are based on your recorded history, a history that has no bearing on Earth’s ascension or your own; and, like some mainstream media reporting, the Internet also has articles that contain false information or are distorted by the omission of vital details.
Somewhat in defense of the individuals who post, publish or air those kinds of information, they don’t know that the crews surrounding your planet are using their ships’ technology to reduce the toxicity of radioactive elements and other pollutants and to prevent the functioning of nuclear warheads. Those individuals have no idea whatsoever that as vibrations on the planet keep increasing, violence and all other harmful activities will correspondingly decrease, and the same betterment is true of all relationships. In short, they don’t know that all situations they are presenting as worrisome or in crisis stage will, in time, have outcomes that your world will welcome.

Comparatively few people do know that, yet other information sources are choosing to publicize developments that are positive, encouraging. TV documentaries, magazines, organizations’ newsletters, books and Internet articles contain a plethora of information about successful efforts around the world. Like the growing numbers of grassroots movements and innovative individuals who are making grand improvements in many communities and the corporate-public alliances that are pursuing large-scale ventures."    forts.



Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-08-2013

"Beloved masters, for many years now there have been so many new inventions and scientific breakthroughs, along with an overwhelming amount of philosophical and spiritual information bombarding the minds of humanity, that the human brain can hardly absorb the countless theories and new concepts without going into overload.

You are in the midst of a monumental process–a complex procedure of choosing and manifesting your destiny for the New Age, which will gradually become your more refined, expanded reality of tomorrow. Your choices–the focus, clarity and power of your thoughts and actions will determine how quickly your desires will manifest in the material world of form. It is vitally important that you learn to discipline your mind, strengthen your concentration abilities, and stay in control of your emotions and mind chatter. The gifts and opportunities or Divine dispensations that are being offered to you require/demand a corresponding strong, personal discipline, along with a high level of responsibility.

Becoming sharply aware of your emotions and your thought patterns is a critical component within the process of cocreation, for it will determine the quality of the vibrational patterns you will send forth into your personal Twelve Ray Creator Wheel. The frequencies of the Seed thoughts you plant in your personal Wheel of Creation will determine the quality of what you will manifest, and will also determine what you will experience in your everyday life–whether positive or negative. These occurrences will be your barometer as to what kind of vibrational patterns you are sending forth into the world of cause and effect. Your primary task/goal at this time is to develop a state of mindful awareness, as you move deeper and deeper into the core Seed Atom of your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind, where you will find all the strength and guidance you will ever need. As you develop your cocreative abilities and become more proficient in your personal mind control and visualization abilities, you will understand how important it is to constantly monitor the frequency patterns you are radiating forth out into the world. Always be mindful that you live in a world of vibrating, neutral, cosmic energy–the forces of Creation–which are waiting for you to mold them into anything you can imagine. You create your own Heaven or hell. You cannot blame anyone else for the reality you are presently experiencing.

You are a Spark of the Divine Creator, and when you were given the gift of individualized consciousness, an awareness of your Divine, independent nature, you were told, “Go forth and create worlds without end in my name.” From that time beyond remembering, you have been experimenting, striving, learning, succeeding at times and failing many times as well; yet, you have steadily made progress and are now being given an opportunity to become a full-fledged participant in the creation of a new Golden Age."   forts.

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Ærlig talt, nå vil jeg snart se resultatene av alt det som blir lovet oss i denne tida. Og resultatene skal kome de.  Det er ikke måte på hvor bra det skal bli.  Jeg tør nesten ikke å ramse opp det jeg leser i så måte, og jeg tør heller ikke å tro på det jeg opplever mer konkret.  Når det ikke klarner litt opp i sikten, er det ikke så lett å vite noe som helst - helt sikkert.  Det eneste må være å sette sin lit til Blåkopien.  Vi vil møte flere situasjoner hvor det også blir seiersseremonier i fleng, men dette sier egentlig ikke noe konkret om noe som helst.  Dette er informasjon som svever over oss og ikke har evnen til å lande for å vise lovnadene i praksis.  Hva er det som skjer, skjer det noe i det hele tatt?  Våre oppstegne mestere skal kunne fortelle oss alt det vi trenger å vite!  Ja, dette får vi høre!  Vet de om hverandre alle sammen, og vet de egentlig om OSS?  Kanskje best jeg holder mine tvil for meg sjøl en stund til. Over til Sheldan Nidle.

Restoring your innate sovereignty is predominant in our actions....Only then are you to be restored completely to your natural, Creator-given rights.

The secret truths are in fact the key to the way your reality operates and it is time that you are reacquainted with them. Our mission is to prepare each of you for the holy journey to full consciousness, the first step of which is the change of governance, followed by disclosure and the unveiling of a host of secret technologies.

9 Ik, 5 Uo, 10 Caban

"Selamat Balik! We return! Your world is engrossed in the final stage of a conflict which began when the Anunnaki left their dark on-planet minions to fend for themselves and joined the ranks of the Light. This abrupt switch caused mass chaos among the different groups of power elites on your world for nearly half a decade. The advent of the second Bush administration temporarily gave an edge to the pro-western cliques of the dark minions over their Asian counterparts, but now the tide has turned and those who possessed power long before the hegemony of the West are reclaiming their former places of authority. However, this time their focus has shifted from internecine considerations to a wider arena: the establishing of a new financial and monetary system for the entire planet, including new global governance. Various enactments such as NESARA are prototypes of what is planned. The intention behind such massive change is to transform your realm in preparation for our arrival, so that once we are here we can hasten your path to full consciousness. The first item on this agenda is to liberate you from any type of slavery, and there are many forms that presently burden you.

The most overt form of slavery is your legal and financial systems, so these will be the first ones to be remedied. Restoring your innate sovereignty is predominant in our actions. Beginning with the material aspects, there will be full debt forgiveness, universal prosperity, an end to illegal taxation, and a formal government declaration of a new form of governance. Only then are you to be restored completely to your natural, Creator-given rights. Once your lives are filled with prosperity and survival issues are put to flight, you will be able to recognize the deep need within you for answers to many things, including what we have to offer you. There is so much for you to learn about, and your individual mentors and we are gladly anticipating candid and open-ended discussion between us. As we answer your questions they will lead to new questions, and so vast new perspectives will open out before you. Like hungry shoppers entering a very upmarket delicatessen, so many different, exotic kinds of spiritual 'food' will suddenly be available to you! And indeed, you will require this factual nourishment to enable you to understand fully what Heaven has planned for you, including the nature and unending wonders of full consciousness.

We are being asked to change your environment and transform you back into your natural state. It is your right to be surrounded by all the knowledge you can absorb before this sacred operation sweeps you up into a most divine matrix. Since your inception on Vega millions of years ago, all the cosmos was open to you in your natural state of Beingness, and now this sacred gift is to be returned to you. As a sovereign being, you can begin to glimpse the exquisite state that Heaven desires for you, and so we come not just to transform but to mentor you as well. Bear in mind that what is happening to you is a unique occurrence: normally, such dispensations are not available to those who have been tangled up so deeply and for so long in the dire throes of limited consciousness. However, your unique blueprint and history warrant this gift and also our involvement. There is so much to talk about in such a short time frame, and we are fully prepared to deal with any challenges that this time-squeeze produces. To this end we are busy setting up the means to give you the information you require."    forts.

tirsdag 20. august 2013

Mandag 19. august 2013

Jeg er for tida mottakelig for de innskytelser som måtte komme.  Innskytelsene kommer, og jeg står ved mitt løfte til meg sjøl om å lytte positivt til alle. Igår var det om å ta kontakt med noen slektninger jeg ikke har snakket med på minst 30 - 40 år. Tanken var ikke før kommet, før jeg var på tråden til personnavnene som dukket opp.  De tok telefonen og det ble hyggelige samtaler i flere timer.  Det viste seg at de hadde hatt de samme tankene de også til forskjellige tider, men det hadde stoppet der.  

De var glade for at noen av oss gikk linen helt ut en gang, og åpnet for den kontakten som var blitt så vanskelig i åras løp.  Om kanskje ikke telefonlinjene kommer til å ende opp rødglødende etter hvert, så vil de ihvertfall vibrere flere ganger på våre vegne.  Vi kommer alle til å ta en telefon i ny og ne, rett og slett for å holde en viss kontakt.  Det er mer enn nok å diskutere i denne tida vi er inne i.

Jeg har også vært med på å ta imot besøk fra fjernere steder på kloden tidligere, og vet at det gir et gløtt inn i en annen livsstil og steder enn der jeg lever her i Norge. Alle land og steder har sine særpreg som det kan være hyggelig å utveksle inntrykk fra.  Stort sett ordner vi livene våre etter de samme strukturer, men med noen avvik hist og her.

Likevel er det givende å møte aktørene i de ulike familier, utveksle inntrykk og syn på livet og alt tilhørende.  Det skaper bånd, som menneskene finner trygghet i.  Det tyder på at mennesker har noen grunntrekk som er sterkt forankret og framtredende i de fleste.  Dette kan med fordel nyttes i positive vendinger til berikelser gjennom livet.

Jeg er glad for mine utspill i slektens persongalleri.  Det gir nye perspektiver på livet og alt det tilhørende.  Jeg ønsker oss samtlige lykke til i fortsettelsen og håper vi får gode opplevelser videre, uansett i hvilke retninger vi drar.  Gode ønsker til alle. Tukate

Life After Channeling: The Journey Continues - April 30, 2013 · Pepper's Blog

Dear Friends, Family and Companions,

"For the last 20 years it has been my joy and privilege to share the wise and compassionate messages of our sentient planet earth with you. Because we like to name almost everything, we came to call “her” Gaia, an intimate and accessible name reminiscent of Ancient Greece and other olden times when god-like beings communed with mere mortals like you and me. And this was perfect, because more than anything, Gaia wanted us to feel connected to our life and purpose here – to the elements and kingdoms of which we are a part.

Although I was already channeling before my first encounter with Gaia, everything changed from that moment on. Gaia became my primary teacher and I could not have asked for better – she opened my eyes, my mind, and my heart. You might think that I received more than my fair share of guidance during this time, but I came to realize that Gaia has a knack for showing us how to discover our own answers by pointing us in the right direction. She wants us to claim the victory of discovery – her stake in the claim is to be present for the “aha” moment. If you are lucky enough to have had a private session with Gaia or have attended a seminar, you probably know what I mean.

I have spent the last several years traveling around the world presenting and animating Gaia’s wisdom. I cannot begin to tell you what this has meant to me – thousands of hours during which I have learned, grown and become more aware of the true meaning of life. These years have been filled with special moments, tears and laughter, smiles and sighs. In sharing Gaia’s words I have discovered firsthand what her wisdom represents to people all over the world. My many blessings include an extended family that spills over borders and boundaries, where language is no barrier and bridges to hearts and minds are everywhere  – a truly marvelous adventure!

We live in interesting and exciting times – they afford us important glimpses into our past, visions of distant futures, and opportunities to create meaningful change in our own lifetime. Ever present and patient, Gaia has inspired new projects and ideas, instilled courage, helped to suppress fear, and shined a spotlight into corners and crevices that we overlooked or dared not look. Deeply satisfied, I felt fortunate to have found work that I truly enjoyed. And yet our journey leads ever onward, sometimes even circling back to revisit what we might have missed or to reveal new opportunities. I have always thought it wise to continue on before becoming too comfortable or complacent – too sure or proud of our accomplishments, which is more often a statement of where we are than who we are.

Channeling often mystifies people. From the outside looking in it can seem exotic and potent, something only gifted or spiritually advanced individuals can access. As special as channeling may seem, it can best be described as a semi-mechanical process that allows our ordinary conscious mind to gracefully yield first to the innocence of the subconscious mind and then to the elegant wisdom of the super-conscious mind. We all have sensory “keys” that can quickly unlock and free our intuition from where it has been sequestered or ignored. The same keys open the storehouses of knowledge that we have been seeking. Good channeling, real channeling, begins here and we can all access it. Just imagine what our world would be like if we were taught this when we were growing up!"  forts.

SaLuSa - 6 August 2013 Through MADAD

"Your vibration level is rising exponentially each day and those of you who are preparing themselves for even higher vibrations are feeling the change within already. Your ability to absorb the incoming Light inside has increased immensely and it is to be seen shortly also on the outside. Another wave of clearing has passed by for you and for Mother Earth and you can literally sense it in the air. The Light from your Sun is brighter because you are now able to receive higher frequencies than ever before. Look around you and see it for yourself and feel the fresh energy that is everywhere. The old energy of suffering and sorrow is being replaced with the new one full of Love and compassion for everyone without any difference. The more you clear yourself the more you will feel this freshness and Love around, so do not hesitate for a moment and finish what you have started long ago and was very hard and painful, but now even the most heavy issues can be cleared with ease as the frequency has risen “countless” times and of course you have become very well aware of this process by already knowing when something needs your attention. Some might decide to ignore and it is absolutely your own choice at what speed you do it, but we want to remind you that it has never been easier for you to fully step into the Light, as it is now.

These are the moments of your true awakening and we are very happy to be with you, therefore put all your doubts aside and simply feel our energy flowing to you. We know that you want to see us finally land, yet the more you will focus on our energy, the more you will attract these matters as disclosure and landings to you. Every of our messages is about truly feeling and connecting to us without any worries of when and how. Let this be our part of our together plan and when the right moment comes, believe us we will not “waste” any minute and will arrive on such a beautiful occasion that is still beyond your imagination and many of you, that are aligned with our energy, already feel that we are coming. 

Always listen to your inner guidance as it cannot lie to you and feel the attraction of your higher experiences, that are about to enter into your reality. Preparation for them is very important, that is why we feel we need to remind you often of your own readiness and changes that are necessary prior to your stepping in. We also want to remind you that after you will see all the beauty of it with your own eyes and get these wonderful feelings into your body, you will clearly understand why you needed to be prepared for this exact period of time. Keep in mind, that when you step into your new reality, you will have plenty of time for your own pleasures and you will not have to worry that you will miss something important, as you cannot be late, so focus on your visions of what your life will look like and soon you will realize that you have left the time illusion and your life has changed. 

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and we are here to help you achieve your goals, that you have set for yourselves and most of you are now aware of. Feel our energy and put away the old unfilled imaginings that you once had, as they are only holding you back and listen to us, as we are telling you that we are coming in the most beautiful way. Be aligned within the Now, be aligned with us and truly feel this wonderful energy that this alignment is creating. We love you all."

Channeller: MADAD  -  Webpage: SaLuSa in Love and Light

mandag 19. august 2013

August 2013 Monthly Visions: Super Charged Sensitivity - A message from Dana Mrkich - Friday, 16 August, 2013

Watch Video Version with Commentary here

"The big news on the horizon right now for both the scientifically and spiritually minded folks is the Sun’s once-every-11-years magnetic pole shift. "It looks like we're no more than three to four months away from a complete field reversal," said solar physicist Todd Hoeksema of Stanford University in a statement last week. "This change will have ripple effects throughout the solar system." Hoeksema is the director of Stanford's Wilcox Solar Observatory, one of the few observatories in the world that monitors the sun's polar magnetic fields.

This is exciting news, and a tangible ‘heads up’ for the growing numbers who are finding ourselves increasingly sensitive - energetically, emotionally and physically - to the Sun’s activities. The Sun has been relatively quiet this year in terms of solar flares, (according to NASA scientists it’s actually the quietest ‘Solar Maximum’ year we’ve had in 100 years) however 2011 and 2012 had a considerable amount of solar flare activity which affected us on many levels, assisting our current evolutionary Shifting process.

Symptoms ranged from feeling angry/sad/exhausted/agitated/energised on the day of, or on the days surrounding a major flare, to having physical symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, crying, sinus/ear/thyroid issues, to having old issues, memories and grief re-surface. Those of us with an acute sensitivity to energy shifts and/or cosmic weather found ourselves knowing exactly when a solar flare was happening - and then having that verified by going to a relevant source to have it confirmed."    forts.   Dana Mrkich → Messages

Montague Keen - August 18, 2013

"What was shown to you this week proves conclusively that the Light of Truth will triumph. Preparations are well under way. Be prepared for the unexpected. The element of surprise is important. You have seen the evidence of this. There are people in key positions around your world who are aware of what is expected of them. They will not be found wanting.

My dear, all is in Divine Order. Our time has come to rescue humanity from the evil influences that took control of it, and from their plans to destroy all that was not required by them. We needed to place some of the greatest minds who ever walked the Earth in position, in order to lead humanity. They will be revealed when the timing is right. Some are now learning who they really are and why they are on Earth at this time. Their real identity had to be kept strictly secret, even from themselves. They have lived ordinary lives up until now, though occasionally, they were given hints as to the important roles they were expected to play in the Transition. Now they are having to take on board the enormity of the task they agreed to carry out before returning to Earth. They are finding each other and everything is falling into place. All the pieces of the puzzle are coming together, just as was planned.

My dear, it was no accident that Rupert Sheldrake could not accept the invitation to your dinner party discussion, suggesting instead that you invite me in his place, all those years ago. Spirit used Rupert so that I could get to you.

A problem was created with RYANAIR at Dublin Airport. This was used to bring another one to your attention. You are now realising the importance of that event. The World of Spirit will use whatever is necessary to get the right people together. Leave the worrying to us. We will get the right people in the right place at the right time."   forts.

søndag 18. august 2013

17th – 18th August 2013: More about the Blue Moon - a message from Sarah Varcas

"We don’t hear too much about Sigmund Freud these days, but he popped into my mind when I looked at the charts for this weekend. He would no doubt have appreciated the irony of his current return to my consciousness because the charts speak powerfully now about what he termed the ‘return of the repressed’.

They point to the likelihood of old, disowned energies and imprints, memories, emotions and impressions, bubbling to the surface once more. And to be clear, we’re not talking here about that anxiety provoking conversation we need to have with someone that we’ve been putting off, or even that seething anger we’ve been trying to ignore for the past who knows how long. This stuff goes way deeper than that, taking us beyond articulation into a place of sensation and impression which may feel disorienting and unsettling at first.

When we disconnect from something within our consciousness so completely that it can no longer register and is denied access to conscious expression or articulation in any form, it has been repressed. We’ve all done it, but, by its very nature, we didn’t realise it at the time. Most of it happens in childhood when the world can be a very scary place in which we are extremely vulnerable. Yes, childhood is often depicted as that time of freedom, creativity and happiness when we had not a care in the world, but the truth is often very different and far darker.

We are never more dependent or more vulnerable than when we are children, and childhood is only a time of freedom and happiness for those in an environment which mitigates that vulnerability and assures them a reasonable amount of safety and love. And sadly this is often not the case.

So what does a very tiny person in a huge and scary world do with the experience of terror and helplessness, confusion and fear? They repress it. We repress it. Out of consciousness, so deeply that we don’t have to deal with it, revisit it, experience it again, because to do so would unleash that very same terror, the very thing that our whole being is mobilised to avoid. And who in their right mind would want to do that?

Well… right mind or not, some of it is on the way back up now, not to taunt and break us but to provide the chance to reassemble ourselves, our history, our legacy into a coherent whole which will enable us to move forward with greater strength and deeper faith. The repressed returns in many forms: sometimes through dreams or hypnogogic visions; sometimes it is the physical body which speaks of rejected feelings and fears; sometimes a nameless anxiety or free-floating fear takes a hold and leads us into places within our own psyche we resist visiting. But visit them we must if we are to do the work of the coming Blue Moon on 20th/21st August, which acts as both a powerful purgative and a profoundly healing force.

It may feel like a challenging and traumatic process, but the more willing we are to embrace it, the more power lies at its heart as we unleash the energy bound up for so long in keeping hidden that which was too much to bear in days gone by. The fact is, we survived those days, those feelings, those threats. No matter how deep the terror or how painful the experience, we’re still here, we’re still breathing, we’re still growing in wisdom, insight and love. We don’t have to fear these feelings, the confusion and vulnerability. We’re strong enough to feel them now, to comfort them. To reassure the tiny person who felt them initially that it’s okay – they survived and they’re safe now.

The repressed always returns for a reason and it’s never to hurt and wound, only to be heard and healed, experienced and acknowledged. These coming days it rises up from its murky depths asking to be bathed in the light of the coming Blue Moon, knowing it is this light which can heal it once and for all, if we will but let it in to the darkest places within us, which we’ve avoided for so long."

Here’s wishing deep healing and liberation for us all.
With Love  Sarah Varcas

August 15, 2013 - Matthew Ward

"With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.  Always we are happy to address issues that are of concern to readers and are in the minds of many others in your world too, no doubt because mainstream media are giving these topics the most coverage: Al Qaida jailbreaks, threats and splinter terrorist groups; contaminated water flowing from Fukushima nuclear facility into the ocean; mounting casualties in Syria’s civil war and the escalating conflict in Egypt.

There’s also emphasis on violence in Pakistan, wildfires, flooding, various crimes, vehicle crashes and celebrity scandals as well as speculation about a cyberspace “war,” Iran’s nuclear development stage, the use of NSA’s electronically-gathered data, and the strained relations between the leaders of Russia and the United States.

First we say that for the most part, the reporters and the few individuals who own all major media outlets still are captive of third density mentality with its predominant fear factor and proclivity for sensationalism. Thus they dependably present an alarming slant on selective world affairs and laboriously report tragic or shocking events; rarely are positive happenings considered newsworthy.

The Internet is a valuable source of enlightening, accurate information, but it also offers negatively-tilted information such as predictions of catastrophic geophysical events or dire outcomes to current situations. Usually those prognoses are based on your recorded history, a history that has no bearing on Earth’s ascension or your own; and, like some mainstream media reporting, the Internet also has articles that contain false information or are distorted by the omission of vital details.

Somewhat in defense of the individuals who post, publish or air those kinds of information, they don’t know that the crews surrounding your planet are using their ships’ technology to reduce the toxicity of radioactive elements and other pollutants and to prevent the functioning of nuclear warheads. Those individuals have no idea whatsoever that as vibrations on the planet keep increasing, violence and all other harmful activities will correspondingly decrease, and the same betterment is true of all relationships. In short, they don’t know that all situations they are presenting as worrisome or in crisis stage will, in time, have outcomes that your world will welcome.

Comparatively few people do know that, yet other information sources are choosing to publicize developments that are positive, encouraging. TV documentaries, magazines, organizations’ newsletters, books and Internet articles contain a plethora of information about successful efforts around the world. Like the growing numbers of grassroots movements and innovative individuals who are making grand improvements in many communities and the corporate-public alliances that are pursuing large-scale ventures."    forts.   

Montague Keen - August 11, 2013

"The time is fast approaching when all that was hidden will be out in the open. You are being prepared for this eventuality. Many of the Dark Ones have already accepted defeat and they are looking for ways to escape having to face the judgement of humanity. They knew that this day would come, no matter what they did to try to postpone it. All it needed was a good percentage of humanity to wake up, thus casting a light on all that was evil and corrupt. Mankind has had to wake up to its own power and the realisation that you are not on Earth to serve the few. You are all powerful beings of light who were manipulated, through education and religion, into believing you had no power. I can assure you that the overall power is yours. This, you will realise as things unfold. Without you, those at the top of the pyramid could never have achieved their corrupt status. I have said many times, they need you and they cannot exist without you. That is a fact that you need to ponder on.

Because you are awake, we are able to intervene and give signs that you need to take note of. We are constantly watching every move that is being made to keep you in control in order to disrupt the Great Awakening. My dear, what you saw in the sky last evening, was showing you that the energy is being produced in order to speed things up. Be prepared to do whatever is asked of you. Some of you know already, what you must do. It depends on the agreements you made before you returned to Earth. Both sides of life are working on this. It will not require guns or bombs, just humanity taking back its power, peacefully and honourably. Everything that you had accepted as the norm, will change overnight. You will learn to view your world in a completely new light. All the corrupt structures will be removed and people will make their own decisions, based on love and respect for all mankind. You need to prepare your minds to welcome this. Give some thought to how each of you can benefit mankind as a whole. The production of food and energy is of paramount importance. When all the experts of the world come together, they will remove all the obstacles. They will solve any problems which the initial transition may produce. This is the greatest adventure of all time and you all have a part to play in it.

The Cabal will use everything and everyone it can, to try to delay the inevitable. Many of those that you trust may be "got at" and cause disruption and upset. It all depends on whether they are strong enough in their own beliefs to withstand the attacks. Such actions, though they may cause delay, will never be allowed to prevent the transition. Ask always, that your eyes be open to all such attacks, so that you may see them for what they are. Pray that you are assisted to remove all 3-dimensional thinking and actions. You are being bombarded on television, films and in the newspapers with 3-dimensional information. But once you step out of the 3D mode, they cannot control your mind anymore. Those who have tried to destroy your world, and humanity, will be exposed. Their plans will be laid bare and they will fall upon their swords."   forts.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation 

What you may experience in yourselves or others as less than perfect is illusory - August 16, 2013 by John Smallman

"Humans have an interesting but most unfortunate and hurtful habit of attaching themselves rather inflexibly to their beliefs – the beliefs with which they identify and which they use to define themselves, mostly as good and honorable – and then to regulations based on those beliefs, whereupon they set out to impose them on others who have a different and “wrong” set of beliefs.  Each group attempts to disparage and destroy the beliefs of the others, first by means of “reason,” rhetoric and persuasion, and when that fails, as it inevitably does, the decision is frequently made to use force, but always most righteously and sanctimoniously!

You have been doing this for eons, but now, finally, many are aware or are becoming aware that this form of problem resolution just does not work – in fact, it is really not intended to work, just to produce a winner, my side – and that no one has all the right on their side.  You are realizing that you are humans of limited wisdom and intelligence, and for peace to prevail you have to respect all others, communicate openly and honestly together, and then cooperate, not “for the greater good,” but for the good of all.  That is Love in action.
Presently, in the Arab world, this is being demonstrated most brutally, and many who would have previously been unaware, let alone interested in conflicts taking place so far from their own backyards are now seeing that the only way forwards to lasting peace in the world is by honoring one another, not by judging and condemning one another’s beliefs and opinions."   forts.
Jesus through John

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner on August 6, 2013

"Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently working full time with the Earth Council.

I greet you today with good will and love. You are all going through monumental changes that can feel insurmountable at times. We assure you this is a natural part of the ascension process. It is necessary to wean yourselves from your old fixations. You need to focus on the skyrocketing energies of new creation. This is what is in front of you. It is not about what is behind you because that is over and done. I suggest you remember this fact.

You are a part of the Earth’s ascension team. We are working with you in tandem with all of the forces of Creation to make sure that the Earth is successful with her ascension. We monitor yours as well.

What I can tell you at this time is that the stage is set for some unusual occurrences. Events will occur that you would not have imagined. Fear not for it is all a part of the stripping away of the veil of forgetfulness leading into the full remembrance of who and what you are as multi-dimensional beings. These occurrences will coalesce into a powerful form that will catapult you and the planet into a much higher level of consciousness. Are you ready?

There is little time remaining for third dimensional conclusions. This includes every area in your lives as well as the Earth’s. You will need to garner new solutions to solve problems. You will find these new discoveries bring swift results with remarkable outcomes. This means that you will need to remain open to change and not feel like “We have always done it this way.” The old excuses will not be feasible for as you move into higher consciousness you will find that higher frequencies require higher vibrational solutions.

As the old paradigms fall away and the old systems implode upon themselves, you will begin to feel a newly found freedom. The energy that comes from the new opportunities is rife with higher consciousness. These Light frequencies are a part of the expanded levels of being. They are alive and vibrant. You are becoming an even larger part of this vibrancy and life. Your cellular structure is sparkling and becoming more alive. Your nutritional needs are shifting changing due to this Light. Listen to your bodies. They know what they need.

We realize that in many areas of your planet that cars and traffic, airplanes and airports, and all means of transportation are becoming less desirable. We have technological solutions to these problems. I want to assure you that this will become one area that you will find to be most favorable. We know you are anxiously waiting for these new modes of moving about. We can’t wait to present them when the time is most appropriate.

I came today to give you guidance and encouragement. Everything is moving according to the Divine Plan. Even if you feel as if you are faltering, please understand that this situation is far from that. It is only a part of releasing the old and opening to the new.

Until next time, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council sending my love."