onsdag 31. juli 2013

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy Right now, new monetary systems are coming into being, and with them come edicts announced by new governance, including revelations about a cover-up of truly staggering proportions. As you can imagine, these announcements will change your reality exceedingly, and we are here to be your loving guides during this most amazing transition ...                                                                                                                 

1 Imix, 4 Pop, 10 Caban

"Selamat Balik! We return with more news! First, a belated Happy New Galactic Year to everyone! This is the year of 10 Caban, a galactic year that is mostly reserved for inner and outer discovery. It prompts you to learn more about who you really are and to look at your native abilities in a new light, and it is these energies that are now becoming most prevalent in your reality. You are embarking on a period of manifestation and discovery about what you think Life is all about and hence, what kind of world you wish to live in. The coming prosperity and new governance are to kick-start this process of self-exploration. However, what you discover about yourselves at first will merely afford you glimpses of the magnificent truth of your real Inner Self. As Spirit begins this unveiling with you, you will learn how your outer world reflects and stimulates the growing expansion of your inner experience. The new year of 10 Caban will indeed be loaded with all kinds of new and stimulating adventures. Just to begin with, personal debt will end and you will be thrown into a world of prosperity. You will become able to meaningfully interact with your new governance, which will sincerely seek your input and truly wish to serve you. This, of itself, will be a big adjustment!

All across your globe, much is coming into being. Those who have been working in secret to bring about new governance have won a series of legal battles, opening the way to replace your corrupt regimes with new governance charged with restoring people-oriented policies. Gone will be the supremacy of the power-hungry elitists and of an untouchable corporatocracy intent on driving your globe into ruin. As you know to your cost, these dark coalitions imposed illegal amounts of taxation and debt to control and enervate you, and the purpose of the new governance is to rectify this unlawfulness and free you from decades of debt slavery. There is to be a new hard-currency system which will end the manipulation and oppression of a fiat-currency system. This fiscal 'dry-rot' will be transitioned rapidly to global currencies that are backed by precious metals, and your new governance is to support and promote not only the hard-currency system but also the beneficial social programs which accompany it. As these nuts-and-bolts aspects roll out, your rapid inner growth will enable you to partner meaningfully with government, to formulate and then oversee the changes you wish to experience in your quickly transitioning world."   forts.

Juli (April) 30, 2013 · Pepper's Blog - "Life After Channeling - The Journey Continues"

Dear Friends, Family and Companions

"For the last 20 years it has been my joy and privilege to share the wise and compassionate messages of our sentient planet earth with you. Because we like to name almost everything, we came to call “her” Gaia, an intimate and accessible name reminiscent of Ancient Greece and other olden times when god-like beings communed with mere mortals like you and me. And this was perfect, because more than anything, Gaia wanted us to feel connected to our life and purpose here – to the elements and kingdoms of which we are a part.

Although I was already channeling before my first encounter with Gaia, everything changed from that moment on. Gaia became my primary teacher and I could not have asked for better – she opened my eyes, my mind, and my heart. You might think that I received more than my fair share of guidance during this time, but I came to realize that Gaia has a knack for showing us how to discover our own answers by pointing us in the right direction. She wants us to claim the victory of discovery – her stake in the claim is to be present for the “aha” moment. If you are lucky enough to have had a private session with Gaia or have attended a seminar, you probably know what I mean.

I have spent the last several years traveling around the world presenting and animating Gaia’s wisdom. I cannot begin to tell you what this has meant to me – thousands of hours during which I have learned, grown and become more aware of the true meaning of life. These years have been filled with special moments, tears and laughter, smiles and sighs. In sharing Gaia’s words I have discovered firsthand what her wisdom represents to people all over the world. My many blessings include an extended family that spills over borders and boundaries, where language is no barrier and bridges to hearts and minds are everywhere  – a truly marvelous adventure!

We live in interesting and exciting times – they afford us important glimpses into our past, visions of distant futures, and opportunities to create meaningful change in our own lifetime. Ever present and patient, Gaia has inspired new projects and ideas, instilled courage, helped to suppress fear, and shined a spotlight into corners and crevices that we overlooked or dared not look. Deeply satisfied, I felt fortunate to have found work that I truly enjoyed. And yet our journey leads ever onward, sometimes even circling back to revisit what we might have missed or to reveal new opportunities. I have always thought it wise to continue on before becoming too comfortable or complacent – too sure or proud of our accomplishments, which is more often a statement of where we are than who we are."    forts.

Se mer:  Pepper Lewis

En merkelig drøm, eller kanskje ikke ...

Datoen idag er 31. juli 2013, klokka er rundt 10.30.  Jeg sover i senga i underetasjen. Så banker det hardt på soveromsdøra, tre harde korte bank.  Jeg forventer at det er min datter Trude, men nei, ingen kommer. Så sier jeg ganske høyt. Kom inn. Ingen respona.  Jeg står opp, åpner døra og der er det ingen.  

Så må vedkommende allerede ha gått opp trappa og avventer min oppvåkning der oppe, tenker jeg.  Dermed går jeg opp trappa så raskt jeg kan og spør litt halvhøyt mens jeg går;  Er det noen her?  Helt tyst.  Vel oppe, finner jeg rommene tomme for besøkende.  Alt er urørt.

Fra kjøkkenvinduet kan jeg se rett over til nabohuset, som nettopp har fått nye eiere. De gamle eierne var svært ryddige, så der var det ikke en tanke engang, som ble slengt tilfeldig rundt!  De nye eierne har en annen strategi, og lever mer frimodig.  

Fra vinduet kan jeg se ei dame i rosa regnfrakk, hun står avventende under en paraply ved naboens veranda.  Regnet høljer ned.  Jeg vinker til henne.  Hun var mistenkelig lik min datter, Trude.  Men nei, vedkommende ser tydeligvis ikke mine vink etter oppmerksomhet.  

Alt var så livaktig, så i min sjel var det ikke tvil.  Jeg gikk ut på trappa.  Jeg trodde nesten at ytterdøra skulle være ulåst, men nei, den var låst.  Vel ute var alt som det pleide å være.  Jeg holdt kontakten med vedkommende under paraplyen, men hun viste ingen tegn på kjennskap med meg ... 

Vel inne måtte jeg se på denne damen en gang til, og da kom et annet bilde sakte, men tydelig fram.  Damen med rosa regnfrakk, var i virkeligheten en smal skuffrekke stablet i høyden.  Paraplyen var ei skuffe plassert litt på tverre øverst.  Hva betyr alt dette, tenkte jeg. Ingen datter, men mange skuffer?

Jeg så skuffene helt klart fra vinduet nå, og til og med beslagene kom tydelig fram. Det begynte å bli en smule morsomt, sjøl for meg, som ikke kunne slippe dette helt soleklare synet drømmen viste meg. Hva betyr alt dette som er så overbevisende på alle vis. Jeg ringer til Trude ...

Hun var tydeligvis ikke innen hørevidde.  I tankene så jeg henne allerede på heimtur. OK.  Jeg måtte vente. I ventetida setter jeg meg ved mac'n, og leser innkommende post. Den Nye Tida er på glideflukt mot oss mennesker nå, og er her øyeblikkelig. Kanskje kommer den som en dalende ørn ...

Har jeg sett inn i noe som skal skje i nærmeste framtid?  Er det et forvarsel om noe som kommer?  Når jeg nå kikket opp mot naboen, var det ikke tvil om at Trude var blitt omgjort til skuffer.  Det var skuffer, og jeg følte søsterskap med skuffene der og da.  Skuff på skuff ...

Sånn er livet, sier vi, men livet har mange ansikter det!  Ett av dem befinner seg inne i datamaskina foran meg.  Der har jeg en mannsstemme som teller timer.  Siste gangen i dag, sa han, "det er fjorten timer igjen". Igjen til hva, tenker jeg. Om jeg ser det i sammenheng med såkalte drømmer, gjør det en forskjell?

Spenningsmomentet er på topp i dette huset, det er aldri kjedelig rundt meg.  Noe utenom det vanlige skjer hele tida, men det lar seg forklare litt om senn.  Og jeg som må finne forklaringer på absolutt alt!  Hvordan skal dette ende?  Er det en utvikling, eller er det en innviklet avsporing. 

Dette vil jeg gjerne vite. Svarene etterlyses.  Send alt som ilpost ...  Jeg venter i spenning på neste trekk.  Nå har jeg vært borte fra mac'n en stund, så nå venter jeg bare på at stemmen skal komme tilbake med tellingen sin.  Jeg stålsetter meg, jeg vet aldri hvor lang tid jeg har til disposisjon ...

Stemmen vartet opp med 16 timer nettopp.  Forstå det den som kan ...  Jeg må bare fortelle med det samme, at det er andre som har hørt Stemmen også.  Nå nettopp snakket den om en time.   


søndag 28. juli 2013

Summer Bacon "You can't fill up anyone else's cup until yours is runneth-ing over!" — Dr. Peebles

"You can't fill up anyone else's cup until yours is runneth-ing over!"  —Dr. Peebles

Are you seeking a deeper understanding of universal truths?

Craving down-to-earth spiritual guidance for everyday life?

Are you ready to put yourself into the equation of life?

Find the answers in this vast collection of timeless guidance by the beautiful spirit, Dr. James Martin Peebles, and his Trance Medium, Summer Bacon (her birth name), who is considered to be one of the clearest channels of our time. Since 1994, Summer has channeled the wisdom of Dr. Peebles for thousands of people from all walks of life.

From the mystical to the pragmatic, Dr. Peebles addresses all issues that touch our lives. As he explains, "this is a school called planet earth," where we are learning how to love and be loved.

What sets Dr. Peebles apart from other spirits is that he actually lived a human life, from 1822-1922. He was a naturopath, medical doctor, Spiritualist minister, U.S. Consulate to Turkey, and a prolific writer who traveled the world five times. So, he teaches with a "been there, done that" depth of understanding. He not only addresses our questions and concerns from a heavenly perspective, he does it in a practical, down-to-earth way. He understands that we are profoundly human at times. He understands our pain and how easy it is for us to become mentally, emotionally or physically entangled in confusion as we venture through this life. Bring your mind, body and spirit back into balance through tangible and clear spiritual teachings. Become personally empowered as the creator of your own reality.

Dr. Peebles will teach you how to speak your truth with the language of the heart. He will guide you in understanding the very essence of who you are; in understanding and acknowledging your own special qualities, gifts, and talents. (Which, as he says, is not being self-centered, it's about being centered in yourself!)  forts.

Summer Bacon & Dr. Peebles - Home

Endringer i Guddommelige planer

Vi må ikke tro at planer, om de er Guddommelige, ikke endres.  Deler av den Guddommelige planen kan nok endres likevel.  Eksempel på endring er at den Guddommelige planen for Jorda, endres hvert minutt.  Dette blir gjort av representanter for det Guddommelige i de "Høyeste Universelle Råd".  Det er altså ikke vi som endrer noe, men Rådene.

onsdag 24. juli 2013

GREGG BRADEN in Peru - Andean Secrets of Sustainable Living - With Special Entrance into Machu Picchu! - July 29 - August 11, 2013

Machu Picchu

"Five thousand years ago the mysterious inhabitants of Peru built the most advanced civilization known in the Western hemisphere until modern times. The ancient Andeans built massive pyramids, complex observatories, grew sustainable sources of food, accomplished sophisticated astronomy, and had a coded information storage system that remained secret until scientists decoded it in the 20th Century.

The legacy of Andean wisdom has opened the door to more questions than it has answered: Who were these people? Where did they come from? And, perhaps most important of all, what did they know in their time that may help us solve the personal, and global crises of living we face in ours? The answer to these and similar questions lies in unlocking the secrets they left behind—the secret of fast-growing, high yield and sustainable crops, the use of minerals, rare herbs and heart-based emotion for advanced healing of the body, the keys to 100-plus-year-long human life spans, and much more!

Fact: The Andes Mountains of Southern Peru is one of only 5 places in the world today with the highest concentrations of people living over 100 years of age!

Fact: The secrets of ancient Andean wisdom are preserved in the traditions of ancient peoples including the Q’uero, Quechua and Aymara peoples of today, as well as the archaeological discoveries that are happening now!

Fact: Ancient Andeans built sophisticated agricultural terraces that could optimize soil temperature by 5 degrees at a time to find the best conditions for their crops!

It’s impossible to solve the enigma of the ancient Andes through the eyes of traditional history. The only way to make sense of what scientists call ‘the Andean mystery’ is to think about ourselves differently than we have since the birth of science three centuries ago. We must cross the traditional boundaries that separate science, religion, spirituality and history, and marry these many ways of knowing into a single new wisdom. When we do, something remarkable happens!

JOIN GREGG BRADEN on this once-in-a-lifetime journey as he shares the Andean discoveries of sustainable living that we can apply to ourselves, as well as our families, within our communities, and between our nations. Through a powerful synthesis of easy-to understand science and the wisdom traditions of the past, Andean Secrets of Sustainable Living is a multi-experiential program designed to find new meaning, and give new hope, for the positive new world that is emerging before our eyes!"

Se her for mer informasjon:  Travel to Peru - Power Places Tours


Sheldan Nidle kanaliserer:  Vi kom til Jorda for 900 000 år siden.  Da startet vi reisen som skulle føre oss bort fra full bevissthet. Vi ville utforske Jorda's Hierarki.  Nå, etter å ha utforsket dette, er vi igjen på reise, men denne gangen tilbake til full bevissthet.
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
6 Ahau, 8 Kumku, 9 Eb - July 9, 2013

"Dratzo! We return with more information for you. Your reality is shifting! The dark cabalists panic and search for ever-more-desperate ways to resolve their mounting dilemmas. As we have pointed out many times, there is no way for them to extricate themselves from their worsening situation by using their old devious methods. The Light is in the process of irresistibly taking back this realm and returning it safely to Her kindly direction. This direction has so far led to a number of decisions which are permitting the Light's diverse forces to prepare a new financial system and new governance for the peoples of surface Earth. Gaia is very pleased with what has been accomplished. Your Ascended Masters are backed by a group of individuals dedicated to pushing the dark from power and instituting a new epoch for all. The next stage involves a series of proclamations which permit the new gold-backed currencies to formally terminate the age of fiat money and end the tranching mechanism designed to help the few to accumulate vast riches over the backs of the many. This, however, is merely one of numerous reforms which are incorporated within the new financial system.

The new financial system's core reason-for-being is to provide universal prosperity and to break the back of the private banking cartels. On your world, there have always been those who used the banks to gather great wealth to themselves and sequester it in the hands of a favored few. This is now to end and to be transformed into a system which produces wealth for all. This new system is to take you swiftly beyond your present theories of the physical universe and your limiting philosophies of the past, and demonstrate actively the universal law of abundance by bringing wealth to each one on your planet. By so doing, it will create a wholly new reality that has no need of money as such. It will quickly become a moneyless society, based on technologies that render manufacturing and farming obsolete, thus transforming the very nature of how you define yourselves. When you can move beyond your present work-to-survive mode of living, your job description and your pay-grade will cease to define you. Then, who you truly are deep within you, together with your untapped talents, can come to the fore, creating a society where each becomes a sacred Being, honored simply for being who they truly are.

The social masks you have to wear and the dilemmas which now burden you are to be dissolved, and once this happens the true and wonderful You can emerge. This new beautiful Being and the sacred world you live on will absorb your attention, leading to an understanding of universal unity. You all possess Life and the ability to access the wonders it presents you with each day. This is the real 'currency.' As you interact with each other in this new light, you will experience Life in a new way, learning how to sustain it and the amazing spiritual energy that pours into all that you are and all that you do. Now you are on the road to full consciousness! All galactic societies embrace four sacred laws, given to physical Angels by Heaven. These aspects of civility are reviewed every day by each individual and their counselors. Heaven and physicality blend, forging a reality which takes full measure of everyone's abilities and connection to Spirit. Out of this melding comes an organic method of organization that we call 'group fluid dynamics.' In it is contained principles which form the core structure of our galactic societies.

Part of our mission is to teach you this in a very useful and practical way. Step one is for you to recover the natural sense of yourselves. This was lost when you became enveloped in the alien structures of your present dark societies which make you feel alone and lost within it. This alien way of Being and feeling is to be reversed, using a lot of gentle discussion which reintroduces you to who you were created to be. Most of you have had to fumble around to survive, choosing work that does not express the real you, and it is the job of your individual mentors to guide you lovingly to find the true Inner You. Here, your Ascended Masters can come into their own by teaching you ways to look inside and release the negative self-judgment instilled in you by your dark masters in order to control you. Our purpose is to free you so that you can rediscover this Inner Self, an essential precursor to your return to your original purpose: full consciousness. This divine state brings with it vast revelations about Heaven and the history of your heavenly lineage, and reacquaints you with the reasons why you chose the particular group you were born into.

Namaste! We bless you, dear Ones! We are your Ascended Masters! A great veil of Light now surrounds our beloved world. The Light is descending, bringing with it serene blessings from the Heart of AEON! The events long spoken of are to be made real and this sacred land is to see a new way manifested upon it. We jointly bless this great happening and ready ourselves for our presentations to you. In the short time left, many wondrous things will happen. This month of July is when the freedom of both America and France was proclaimed, and so this month is now to recognize a new birth of freedom. Our sacred associates are in the midst of a process which is to legally put an end to the private corporation that has run your world for centuries. Its time began to wane when its immense avarice overstepped even the bounds of self-preservation! Its collapse became a matter of time, coupled with its arrogant disdain for the new reality which provides freedom and prosperity for all!

Heaven's blessings are a constant, divine gift, filling this realm with Love, Light, and rising consciousness. The Light has bestowed on us the task of coming forth and teaching you to strengthen your Spirit and expand your knowledge of Heaven and your distant origins. This story begins long ago in the Vega solar system and involves a race of aquatic humans and the great gift sent to them by the Galactic Hierarchies. This granting of full consciousness raised our ancestors to the Light and its sacred cause. And thus began a migration which eventually brought us here about 900,000 years ago. We came with the wishes of the Earth's Hierarchy and began a journey that took us away from, and then back to, full consciousness. This is the gist of a true saga which we intend to explain to you in full, together with its many spiritual aspects and contexts.

We have much to clarify within the framework of this story. The most important is why we went back, temporarily, into limited consciousness, and why and how you are now to return, easily and quickly, to full consciousness again. The state of wonder that is full consciousness took us many lifetimes and much arduous discipline and practice to achieve in times past. This equipped us with first-hand knowledge which now forms the core of our teachings for you. The upcoming transitional phase is needed to unravel the dark tangle of your perceptions and bring in the clear Light of Heaven. Our painful experiences of the dark can make it hard for some of us to let go and allow this new way to seep in and percolate throughout our myriad thoughts. Remember that this transformation of your realm prepares you for your return to full consciousness, and our purpose is to guide you in this and then supervise whatever Heaven decrees for us! Hosannas to the Creator of us all!

Today we continued our message about the transformations now happening throughout this reality. The time comes for us to chant and celebrate your liberation! The realm of death and want is to be shifted into one of Love, Light, and Prosperity! An epoch filled with freedom, personal sovereignty, and immortality! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!"

mandag 22. juli 2013

Monday, 22 July, 2013 - A message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Sirius Rrising 2013: From Star Heart to Earth Heart

An ancient alignment takes place. The star Sirius rises before our sun, it is a helical rising issuing a declaration that the ‘ATLANTEAN, EGYPTIAN, and SIRIAN NEW YEAR’ has begun.

"The heliacal rising of a star occurs when it first becomes visible above the eastern horizon, for a single moment just before sunrise.  Each day after the heliacal rising, the star will rise slightly earlier and remain visible for longer before the light from the rising sun makes it disappear. The same star will reappear in the eastern sky at dawn approximately one year after its previous heliacal rising. Because the heliacal rising depends on the observation of the object, its exact timing can be dependent on weather conditions.

Sirius rising in 2013 is a doorway of unparalleled opportunity to swim forward on the stellar surge of light  that precedes the daylight.  Sirius has been honored since ancient times. In Atlantis, the mysteries were created on information received from the Sirian Star Masters. After the third fall of Atlantis, the Sirian mysteries spread into ancient Egypt. As early as 3000 BC the Egyptians started celebrating the helical rising of the star Sirius declaring this the New Year as the Nile flooded its banks in the time of the great lion, in the month of Leo. 

Sirius is the home of Cosmic Christ for this entire Galaxy. It has ‘always’ been a spiritual prototype for Earth.  As the rays from Sirius arc onto earth via the sun, we have another opportunity to activate the Cosmic Christ seed within. The little solar jewels that are dormant DNA encodings, wait for stellar emanations to open sealed cellular files. When Sirius rises in your part of the world go out before dawn and look to the east. Whether cloudy or dark seen or unseen, the star Sirius will rise to meet you energetically.

It is in the quiet times in-between words and thoughts that you will find the key that unlocks what has been unseen until now. Go outside, face east, and allow the pre-dawn energies to enter you. Ask to be released of all that no longer serves you and be filled in completion with that which serves your highest soul path and spiritual evolution.

Visualize the emanations and radiance of Sirius coming forth into your earth Heart from your star heart. Sirius gives you the gift of the ‘cycles of Time’, reconnecting all sacred spaces through time and space, on and off planet. The tone of creation sounds in every cell of your body on earth and cycles through all 144 levels of your light.

Announcing to long lost parts of earth to arise from a deep  sleep into full alertness. Without the help of humans, the light from deep space, far off galaxies and event horizons would just continue to travel endlessly without ever stopping. Light needs you as much as you need light; it is a symbiotic relationship, sacredly arranged." 

søndag 21. juli 2013

22nd July 2013: Full Moon in Aquarius - Decompression the Cosmic Way - A message from Sarah Varcas

"This is the first of two Full Moons in Aquarius making the second (20th/21st August) an auspicious astrological Blue Moon. In an attempt to clear the air ready for this lunar event, the current Full Moon brings us a veritable energy blast, filled with the electrical power of its ruler Uranus who is now moving retrograde in Aries.

This is not the most comfortable of Moons. There’s some irritation here and a building inner pressure which may cause us to feel what I can only describe as compressed. Think of the pressure within an aerosol can and this’ll give you an idea of the energies around us right now. We want to break out and be free, explode into life, but instead we have to squeeze ourselves through this little nozzle to get into open air. And we all know what damage aerosols can do…

The good thing is this pressure has a powerfully creative element to it if we allow it expression rather than seek only to confine it. If we feel it building inside us this is a sure sign that something needs to be acknowledged and expressed, no matter how much we may prefer that it politely go away. This Moon helps us with this expression if we’ll let her, and if we won’t she’ll just call upon Uranus to do it for us anyway, so far better we step up to the plate and take responsibility for our own personal decompression chamber and begin to release some of it bit by bit.

It may be anger, frustration, impatience, jealousy, despair… so many emotions we’d rather not have and yet which seem to take up so much energy when they come upon us. This Moon is triggering them now, not to torture us with our inner demons but to show us how their compressed energy inside of us is just about ready to explode. 

There’s nowhere left for it to go except outward. It will tolerate forced containment no more, which is why we need to stay alert to our feelings and behaviour at this Full Moon, not allowing the polarisation of blame and attack, judgement and conflict. Instead we are all united in a process of decompression during which we can breathe out fully and allow all this pressured, built up energy inside us to gradually release. 

We may need to do something physical to assist with it: walking, dancing, running. We may prefer to sit quietly and watch it disperse. We may need to act it out, write it out, sing it out. Whatever’s necessary to release the energy we must be prepared to do with awareness and the intention that its expression contribute to the highest good of us all."

Messages & Channelings > Latest

Earth-Keeper Chronicles July 21, 2013 "Year One - The Extraordinary 2nd Half" Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

"Greetings Masters !

"We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. 

It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message.

We will begin this message regarding the remaining '2nd half' of 2013, a truly auspicious year, by addressing the intensity and focal purpose of the complex frequencies taking place.

We will first reinforce the great Truth, that the Ascension of the Planet did indeed occur. Humanity in collective consciousness made it so. But we want to clarify it is the graduation of the Planet Earth, an expansion into 12 Dimensions that has taken place.

We tell you that the Planetary Ascension is a new beginning. The energies around you and everything within the Earthplane is in a different context. 

The matrix has absolutely shifted. And for so many of you, the new matrix is not exactly what you anticipated. 

What remains before you in the second half of 2013 - Year One of the New Earth will have a quadric phase of intensity . It is intense, but it is extremely important. 

It can be managed, but if you do not 'step up' to the challenge, the energies can leave you in states of confusion and apathy. 2013 is a year of formatting codes, and it is within the quadric influx, of an equinox, solstice, lunar eclipse and solar eclipse that two incredibly pertinent coded- portals occur. 

These are the 'Green Ray Activation ' in August and the 'Renaissance Formatting' in September . The latter of which completes in the solar eclipse of November.

The Green Ray Infinity-Gate Activation

In August the Green Ray Infinity Portal occurs in the aperture activation of the Emerald Flame. The primary opening apex is from August 12-21, 2013

Dear Ones, just as your dimensional access increased with the planetary Ascension, so does your chakra field. So it is that the initial Sacred Codes of each new chakra be received and installed beginning in Year One of the New Earth."    forts


You are expanding and becoming more YOU ... and it's changing everything.

"Hello and welcome! I'm Meredith Murphy, the founder of Expect Wonderful. I'm so happy you're here! Expect Wonderful exists to assist you in remembering and claiming the fullness of your being. I am a channel, writer, artist and guide.  I share my gifts of channeling higher dimensional energies and transmitting messages to ignite your inner knowing. Expect Wonderful articles, energy updated, events and programs are offered to remind you of your innate capacities, provide you with pathways to open more fully to who you are, opportunities to share that new way of being with others and together, to create new ways of living on Earth. 

I know beyond a doubt, that we were meant for JOY. Bliss even. Happiness and ease. Uninhibited creativity. Openness and curiosity. Confident knowing. Playfulness. Exquisite moments of connection and appreciating beauty. We are designed with the capacity to access energy and information from all of life. And all of life is attentive to our presence, inviting us to dance. We're remembering all of this, in essence, remembering how to live directly as the true divine being we actually are, while in our human form.

All of life is experiencing this upliftment -- planetary consciousness is evolving and ascending as are all forms of life on Earth. In this dynamic dance, we are profoundly supported and guided. Our own higher dimensional aspects, the continuum of our being, is increasingly present, expanding our embodiment, and the angels, archangels and ascended masters, along with many star families, are supporting our experience on the ascending energy arc. We only need give our permission for these energies to enter our lives more fully, more consciously, with more prominence and more expansion, to empower this experience.

As we open to our own life this way, inviting our fullness, our higher self, our soul, our cosmic presence, our universal self, our I AM presence into our human energy system, we embody our divinity. As we question things we've always thought were so, we create the openings for a different experience."   forts.

lørdag 20. juli 2013

The Ascended Master Lectures

The Melchizedek University (MU) lectures take place within an interdimensional 'place' called the White Star Temple (WST). This Temple sits outside of the space-time continuum which means that all lectures occur outside of time and location. As such, anyone can experience these lectures at the moment they are given no matter when or where you are. You need only listen to the lectures while in meditation and your consciousness will join with the WST. 

While the words are being heard by you from the recording you in fact are experiencing them at the moment they were first spoken. This is because outside of time and space there is no separation between when you hear the words (even years down the track) and when they are delivered.

The purpose of the WST teachings is to greatly expand your spiritual consciousness; to integrate multi-dimensional concepts and understanding and to assist you in opening your being to the absolute majesty of Creation and God. Ultimately, we would hope that through the Melchizedek University and your own guidance, you will come to a deeper, profound connection with your Creator, as well as an inspired appreciation for the multi-faceted existence you occupy.

The teachings cover a wide range of concepts from the simple, such as:

Separation, Cosmic Gratitude, the Angelic Principle, etc., to the more advanced: Multi-faceted Diamond of the Soul, Simultaneous Existence, Quantum Light, The Singularity of the Multiple, Multi-dimensional Aspects of Self, Fractal of life and so on. 

And that's just the first 3 courses, which contain 46 audio lectures in all.

Perhaps you feel as though you already have a knowledge of such things. The way in which the Ascended Ones speak and the energies they bring gives a whole new dimension to this learning that is quite exceptional. 
However, if you are just beginning your cosmic journey, these lectures will also be perfect for the teachings are delivered in a sequence that beautifully and carefully expands your understanding step-by-step.

GO to : The Teachers
GO to : The Teachings
GO to : Sample Lectures

"When every soul within existence comes into alignment with its purpose and grows fully into its empowerment, then Creation shall be unlike anything that has gone before. It shall be unrecognisable for we do not yet have the eyes to see the reflection that Creation shall become as God reveals Its true face." 

- Cosmic Buddha

"What an amazing gift of God; to finally connect in His consciousness. it's energizing, exhilarating and transforming." 
Maria Blankevoort

Pleiadian Message. “Just Be Happy!” By, Bella Capozzi. July 18, 2013

♡ Waves of love are rushing in.  Coursing over this beloved planet, a storm of love washes over everyone and everything, leaving nary a blade of grass untouched by it’s transfiguring effect.  Waves of love, topped off by dainty whitecaps, constructed not of foam but of brilliant crystalline white Christ Light.  This energy is ever so pure and it is profoundly healing by nature.  Oh, how very dearly is our Earth in need of healing!  Our Earth-indeed, as this was not written in error.  For Earth is every bit as much our planet as it is yours.  Not only because, as well you know, we are all created as One.  But because we have been intimately and creatively tied in with the original conception, seeding and eventual progression of the Human Race.  So yes, your destiny is our destiny, and thus we soldier on as one diverse, and yet highly functional family; one team, one Sacred Heart, interlaced.

♡ Feel the love being sent to you from On High.  It is the grandest of gifts, not to be overlooked amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday Human existence.  Dispense with the trivialities, if only for a little while, and simply allow yourself to revel in this bliss.  Joy is your natural state, as is abundance, peace and the feeling you have when something you’ve done has affected another in beautiful and positive way.  If only you could hold onto the ecstasy for a minute or two of  your time, it can serve to make a world of difference in the way you feel about and undertake your Earth journey.  Trust us, please, when we tell you that the kindest thing you can do for yourselves is to release your fears – for however long you are able to sustain such a neutral state – and just be happy!  Uncover the priceless value to be found in the companionship of other like-hearted souls, and also in the smaller and sweeter pleasures of life.

♡ Such energies are on the increase, so expect to feel many more sudden rushes of exultation, and enjoy them.  Whether they last all day or but a scant few seconds, the key is in the recognizing of them and in the conscious understanding of what and how powerful they truly are.  They are tiny bits of heaven, these waves.  They are tangibly recognizable clues that your awareness is expanding and that you are beginning to connect with Spirit at a higher and more refined level.  What about that is not cause for celebration, we ask you?  And so we conclude this transmission with the simplest of instruction;  you are to let go and allow.  Allow the Universe to meet your needs, be they emotional or physical.  Resist the  temptation to exhaustively manipulate outcomes, as when there is too much resistance it is often a sign that the very thing you are suffering to create may well not be in your highest and best interest.  So release.  Allow.  And most importantly, take time to go within and genuinely listen to what your heart is telling you.  And, of course, be happy!

fredag 19. juli 2013


Livet på Uranus er helt ulikt livet på Jorda.  På Uranus kjenner de ikke til verken sykdom, død eller annet forfall. Folket blir opp til sju-åtte meter høy.  De har ikke noe slør som skygger for innsikten, og derfor fløyker de seg heller ikke bort i illusjon.  Det er mye mer som er ulikt livet på Jorda.

"Lord Maha Chohan, July 1956:  “URANUS is a very large planet and there are a tremendous number of lifestreams evolving upon it.  The people on this large planet of Uranus are beyond disease, death, or decay.  The vibratory action is much more rapid than it is upon the Earth [the reason our telescopes see incorrectly].  The people are of larger statue; they are seven to eight feet tall, golden haired and blue-eyed.  Strength, vitality, and power are the predominant qualities.  The people of Uranus are those described as belonging to the time of the Amazons, when the beautiful ladies of the golden hair dwelt on Earth.  Most of them came from Uranus and many of them have during their repetition of earth life taken on smaller bodies through mercy and wisdom of the Cosmic Law, in order to be less conspicuous ...

On Uranus, the center of the entire planetary scheme is built on the spiritual priesthood, which is fully acknowledged and which governs not only the main continent where the main Temple is located, but also the other continents on that planet.  The people there recognize absolutely the Divine Sovereignty of this Cosmic priesthood.

The people of Uranus are very large in proportion and very beautiful.  A three year old child stands as high as four and a half feet.  They are trained from childhood in the Rites of Invocation, and Radiation; in the powers of levitation, precipitation, and etherealization.  The Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings walk and talk with them as you walk and talk with each other.  There is no veil, no maya [illusion], no human creation around the planet and it is a most marvelous thing to see what an evolution can accomplish when there are not those rip tides of psychic energy, nothing to hinder the expansion of the Immortal Flame within the heart fulfilling the Divine Plan and Pattern.

Their buildings are colossal.  Having the power of levitation, there is no need for mechanical machinery.  Everything is done by mindforce; the coloring is done by feeling.  Their atmosphere is perfect.  The moisture does not come in rainfall, but by a coarse substance that comes through what is similar to your earth.  The body structure itself of Uranus is a beautiful green instead of brown.  The moisture comes through the porous substance, fills their lakes, rivers, and cisterns, and fills the atmosphere with the necessary moisture.  The water is aquamarine; the landed surface is a darker green; the verdure and growth variegated in color.  That is determined mostly by the Aura of the individuals who represent the unit of people residing in certain localities.  The continental Devas affect the entire contour and over-all color of the various continents.  The great planetary Silent Watcher governs and controls the entire Uranium Aura in the atmosphere."   forts.

Earth-keeper Chronicles - "Sacred Aktivering av Green Ray & Emerald Flame" - Erkeengelen Metatron via James Tyberonn

Dette er noe annet enn det Anunnaki har lært oss, men vi er lærenem og tar fort til oss en annen lære når det er nødvendig.

Det er spekket med tid rundt oss, så en kan spørre hvorfor vi har latt en bitte liten bit av denne styre vårt liv.  Men slik har det vært i en evighet.  Nå er det nemlig slutt på denne underdanigheten, eller tankeløsheten.  Vi eier det som er og vi styrer det slik vi vil, både hva angår tid og annet.  Det vi endelig forstår nå, er noe annet enn Anunnaki's formaninger.  

Det blir avdekket kjensgjerninger som er tung å svelge, stadig vekk.  Enda det er vi som har levd og det er vi som har bestemt det slik.  Det  trodde vi iallefall, men ikke noe er forandret rundt oss annet enn innsikten.  Nå forstår vi og blir sakte, men sikkert, mer bevisst.

Vi har vært Anunnakis trofaste tjenere i evigheter.  Vi har repetert hans tvangsmessige pålegg til oss.  Vi trodde det var våre egne tanker som drev på.  

SaLuSa ber oss bruke tida til vår egen fordel heretter.  "In very near future you vil have "all the time in the world" for yourselves and still have enough "time" to do all that is needed.  Do not forget to get some of this "time" for quiet moments for yourself as these are very important to keep you in the balance".  forts.

Cosmic Reunion: Trinity

Etter hvert som vibrasjonen på planeten øker, øker også menneskenes innsikt i å forstå seg sjøl.  Det blir naturlig å åpne seg for den nye virkeligheten.  Grunnleggende sannheter har blitt holdt skjult for oss, men med den nye innsikten avtar vår avhengighet til penger og regjeringers styring over oss.  

torsdag 18. juli 2013

Elrah of Rhythmic Service - The Beacons of Light - Av Steve Rother

Greetings from Home, dear ones. I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service  

"You can choose to be on top of the world, if you want to be. You can decide how you want to view life because that new vision is important. I am going to step back here for a moment to bring in my brother the Time Keeper, but I came in first to bring you one of my smiles. There it goes—see, I got you, did I not? You were not going to smile back but I got you anyway. You know I can do that and you can too and it is part of what you are going to be hearing more about. As you start to carry this light, there are so many ways you can use it. You are just starting to find out about the new energies on this side of the portal, and you are going to anchor this in a new way. I am going to step aside and let my brother come in because he has some key words he wants to bring you. Know that I love you and any time you get too serious I am the one sneaking up behind you and tickling your funny bone, to remind you that you are playing a game. You are supposed to be having fun and if you are not having fun, I am going to come and get you so just re-member that.

Greetings from Home. I am the Keeper of Time Today is a very magical day. You have now passed an energetic demarcation point that will allow most humans to begin to anchor in the new energy on this side of the portal. It has been very challenging for most of you. You have felt the differences in time; you have moved from compressed time into expanded time, and simply not been able to bring it into your heads at this point. You notice that it feels different, but you are not able to fully describe the changes or the differences that are taking place globally with all humans everywhere. Now you can start to change this."    Projection of a Shadow World.    forts.

Jorda fornyer seg

Jorda vil skifte over til nye mønstre og væremåter, sier Cilia Fenn.   Det er klart at det er noen nytenkende jordboere som har et ord med i laget her.  De nytenkende er; 'Indigo-generasjonen' - den har allerede inntatt planeten.  Indigo-generasjonens oppdrag er å bryte ned de gamle jordiske systemene, for å gjøre plass til det nye! Det som nå manifesterer seg på Jorda, er et dypt ønske om fred, fellesskap og frihet. Forarbeidet ble gjort for lenge siden på høyere nivåer, dette manifesteres nå i fysisk form på planeten som har vært underlagt Anunnaki så lenge.   forts.

tirsdag 16. juli 2013

Divine Discussions: Final Golden Age - Thursday, June 27, 2013

Final Golden Age: Archangel Michael, Adama, Lord Sananda, Saint Germain   

Channeled by Phillip Elton Collins, Interviewed by Joel D. Anastasi

"Greetings, beloveds, from the Archangelic realm of Michael in concert with Adama from the Inner Earth realms, Lord Sananda of the Christ Consciousness realms and beloved Saint Germain of the Ascended Master realms.
We all gather today to talk about your next and final Golden Age on planet Earth. Dear ones, you’ve all chosen to be here whether you are aware of it or not to participate in one of the most exciting adventures your planet has gone through in millennium. You have gone through six previous ages, which have had their life and death, if you will, as a result of their connection and disconnection to source. Now it is your destiny, now it is your blueprint, now it is your divine right, dear ones, to go into your final Golden Age, which will allow a permanent connection to source.
We would also like to talk about what America, the United States, and the Americas at large really mean within this journey into your final Golden Age. Dear ones, what you call America was once what you called your Garden of Eden. What was integrated into the geographic location and energetic field and vortex of what you call the United States was and continues to be the Garden of Eden, which is being reactivated at this particular time in a process you know as ascension—ascension of yourselves from inside out in concert with the ascension of your planet. For both of you to return to the beings, the eternal beings, the immortal beings of a light that you are, dear ones.
Oh, what an extraordinary journey this has been. So what is the meaning, value and purpose of this United, this Union of States called America?  What does the word “union” mean? What does the word “united,” mean, dear ones? It means the connection of your divine selves with source, with the creator. It is not the United States; it is the “united divinity” of you in combination with the source that maintains and sustains and creates you.
What is happening now is a reactivation, a rebooting, a new downloading through various portals and vortices within your continental United States to assist humanity in clearing and cleansing your duality, your separation, your confrontation, your wars and, through the resonance of this, to allow the entire planet to go into this final Golden Age. That is your destiny.
This was most recently reflected in the forefather’s documents, which founded the United States of America. Your forefathers and we—Michael, Saint Germain, Lord Sananda and others—gathered in concert to inspire your forefathers with the documents, your Bill of Rights, your Constitution, these wonderful papers, and to give such individuals as George Washington the inspiration to know the destiny of this particular country called America.
So how exactly will this take place? It will take place through a clearing and cleansing of the selfish, if you will, consciousness of humanity, which has kept you in separation and limitation to allow you to go into a constructive endeavor of self that will be reflected to the entire world."   forts.

Hel versus Delvis

Hvis vi omgjør mennekeheten i prosenter nå, så er vi 99%.  99 prosent Hel.  Den ene prosenten tilhører Anunnaki og hans tilhengere, omgjort til våre tvilende tanker. Tallet 99 må vi forstå og tro på, da det er vårt livbelte i denne tida.  Kle deg i tallet 99, og vit at du er det. La det være kjennemerket på en langveisfarende som snart er i mål.  Vi er i en overgangsprosess, og det er ingen hvilken som helst overgang heller! Vi er på vei bort fra Anunnaki's kalde klo, bort fra de dårlige egenskapene vi har tatt som en selvfølge inntil denne dag.  Bort fra de negative tankene og utspillene, hvor vårt eget sinne og frustrasjon har vært retningsgivende.  Ingen har hatt det godt i Anunnakis grep.  Altså; Ingen har storkost seg der, men alle har søkt dit.

Og hvorfor, kan en spørre.  Hvorfor søke seg til et sted hvor en ikke trives.  Den gangen definerte vi og omdefinerte.  Vi gjorde Anunnakis teori til vår egen, og fastslo ganske enkelt;  Den som ikke forstår at det mest intelligente er å ta vare på seg sjøl ved å plassere andre i en utsatt posisjon - den forstår ikke det mest elementære. Slik skulle det være.  Denne kjensgjerningen skurret nok i ørene til både den ene og den andre, men ingen ville opptre dumt, derfor ...  Etter hvert har de aller fleste forstått, og mange har tatt konsekvensen av denne forståelsen. Menneskeheten måtte igjennom mye tort og svie for å lære, og å bli utlært.  Nå kan vi ikke forstå denne tregheten.  Det er rett og slett ubegripelig, at vi har tjenestegjort i dette kompaniet så lenge som vi har.

Vi har hørt i lang tid, at det å bruke tanken positivt er det beste for kroppen.  Men tankene er som løse fugler, snart er de her, i neste sekund vet vi ikke hvor de er.  De er borte!  Men hvor er det.  Tankene gjør som fuglene, de stikker, dukker og kommer fram igjen på helt nye steder. Uregjerlige og kreative er de.  Derfor er menneskenes tanker forsøkt holdt i skrustikker over hele den siviliserte verden på forskjellig vis. Men da har ikke kreativiteten vært forstått.  Den lar  seg ikke målbinde.  Kreativiteten lever sitt eget, kreative og elastiske liv, fri og uavhengig.  Kreativiteten lar seg ikke styre av noen. Absolutt ingen.  Vi hører ofte at menneskene har stor makt, og da må det være den underliggende styrken eller kreativiteten i mennesket, det siktes til.

Anunnaki har vært en klesdesigner utenom alle andre mulige, vi kjenner til. Anunnaki har snart opptrådt i det ene kostymet, og snart i det andre.  At kostymene har vært behengt med gull og glitter, er hevet over tvil. Nå vet vi hvor, og hvorfor, Anunnaki har kamuflert seg. Han har ikke alltid forlangt gull og glitter for sin forsvinning.  Nå er det flombelysning her på Jorda.  Lyset er så sterkt, og det irriterer alle som ikke føler seg heime i sterkt lys.  Anunnaki er en av dem. Nå er det hans tid til å stikke.  Lyset er derimot svært levedyktig, og det sprer seg også til alt og alle det skinner på.  Og vi skal leve lenge i forent tilstand nå.  Vi kan ikke mislykkes denne gangen.  Vi er nå 99 prosent.  Vi skal stå sammen, og  vi skal tenke i samlet perspektiv. Det er nøkkelen.


søndag 14. juli 2013

We are the Arcturian Group - JULY 14, 2013

"We are here to give messages of love and light.  All of you reading these messages are Beings of Light--some more aware of it  than others, but all trying to understand spiritual  truth while living lives under a veil of forgetfulness that comes with an incarnation on earth.  

All is proceeding according to plan so try not to accept appearances that say nothing is happening. Any concepts still held as what the change must look like will simply result in doubt and confusion. Some changes will appear as expected, but at others will not. Much is taking place on levels you cannot see with your human eyes especially if you are expecting to  see it through popular media.  Chaos is a sign of great energy release and change.  Allow the process to unfold while staying in the highest light and truth you know and sending Light to the world. This is all about moving beyond duality and into the realization that all is One and it begins within the heart--unfolding within individuals who have been on a spiritual path for many years as well as within those who have never before given any  thought to  living differently. 

Learn to  see beyond  third dimensional appearances to the spiritual reality existing behind the scene in the realization that good appearances are just as much illusory as bad appearances. Human eyes  see only the mind's interpretation of a spiritual idea and thusly any mind  filled with concepts of duality (this is good but that is bad), will always manifest  experiences of good and experiences of bad. The work of evolution is to move beyond  beliefs of good and evil and into the realization that there is only One Divine Consciousness and IT contains no opposite.  

You are ready to accept that you are creators but  you must decide whether to create from a level of truth  or to continue creating from within the duality and separation of the third dimension.  As you learn to see through material appearances to the reality behind them, life on earth will begin to lose its sting--events and appearances that would have once caused distress are now seen in a new light and with it new understanding--spiritual growth is taking place."   forts. 

Opening your Third Eye with Archangel Raziel, by Sharon Taphorn - July 13. 2013

"Everyone has the ability to see with their third eye. For some of you it was closed off as a child by yourselves or others because you or they did not understand it, feared what you saw, or told you it was just your imagination. Truthfully imagination is the key to unlocking and understanding the messages, colours and symbols you receive via your third eye.  This is a splendid time to work on opening up your third eye and enhancing the visions you receive so that you can trust more in what lies ahead as well as offering you a greater understanding of your life and how to make the best choices for yourself in your now.

When your third eye is open you will receive visions and messages such as shapes, colours, symbols, movies, dreams and pictures. You will also notice these messages with your physical eyes in the form of recurring sequences of numbers such as 444, 144, 1212, 1111 as well as symbols like coins, feathers, rainbows, clouds, animal spirits, and more. Your guides and angels try to communicate with you in ways that you will understand at your present time. 

Be open each day to expanding your clairvoyance and ask your angels to send you a message to let you know that you are on the best path and that you will understand and know that it is a gift from spirit, and you will receive a sign. As you third eye opens you may also see flashes of light, moving objects and even beings from other realms although the latter is less common at first, and with practice you too can see more than meets the eye. Once that awareness has been opened up, and you begin to see beyond the 3D, the beauty and the images will amaze you.

Be patient with yourself and the process. For some of you it will be easy, for others it takes a bit longer and it might take some processing and releasing of past experiences from this life and others. Flex your psychic muscles and practice using your 3rd eye in all aspects of your life by setting your intent each day to receive a message, insight or vision to help you lead and live your life as a co-creator with the Divine and be open to the experience.

When you begin to work with your third eye chakra, you might find that your third eye tingles, feel itchy, or even sore. Also, you might feel pressure or a head ache if you are holding in too much energy in your head. When this happens, close your eyes and ask your angels to help you. Call upon Archangel Raphael for healing and call upon me and my league of helper angels to help you learn to release this energy and let it flow.  Use a crystal such as clear quartz or selenite to help enhance your visions and enjoy the process that is unfolding. If you find that too much is going on at times, ask your angels to dial it back a bit and regain your footing.  You will learn to adjust and have more control as you practice.

So, let us take a moment now and begin to ignite your pineal gland and open it to the higher realms as we begin to attune you and open up your third eye once again. Close your eyes and call upon my light to open up your crown chakra and then your third eye. As I stand behind you and begin my work, you should begin to feel activity in your third eye and visions of colour and light swirling about like the energy of the cosmos and tingling or activity in your crown as well. Release any fears and let the process unfold and feel the warmth flow over you as our work is done. For those who are eager for more, place a piece of lapis lazuli on your third eye or wear or carry the stone with you when you are working with enhancing this sense. Clear quartz with all the beautiful colours of the rainbow can also help you connect and each beautiful crystal holds within it a message that you can begin understand as you work with opening your abilities to sense and see more.   

Allow the process to unfold at your own speed. There is no hurry; there is no race. Envision your third eye unfurling like the petals of a lotus blossom and soon you will find that there is so much more to see and experience all around you. Awaken the Magi within you and let the mystical and magical creations begin, Blessed Be my beloveds,  Archangel Raziel."

The New Energies Being Laid for The Earth Worker, Sun Worker and Bridger Av Lisa Gawlas

"You ever get to what feels like a really long red light, you don’t want to sit there just parked any longer so you start pressing on the gas to at least rev the engine up? That would be the theme from yesterdays readings…. sorta.  There is so much energy happening. So much building to the next great adventure, but not from you yourself, truly at the soul expression of yourself.

There is an ongoing theme still, that intense radiant white surrounding everyone’s inner life field area.  I cannot see what is taking place inside this area, at least, not yet.  The details that are showing up are all on the outside of that area.  I suppose it would be accurate to say, our soul is laying the groundwork for what is to come.  The human has been parked at the red light, idling.

It took me all day and all night to really understand what we had seen and experienced in the field yesterday.  Again, there was a slight shift in the field and the details and it takes me some time to really assimilate the bigger story.  I realized this morning there were three very different aspects being “readied” on the field.  The Earth worker, the Bridger, and the Sun worker.

The Earth Worker:

My first lady showed up in such an interesting display of light.  Several feet into what I would call her future, at the furthest area of the west side of her field (which also is representing her physical life energy too) was a version of her, only I knew it was her soul energy decked out in biology, showing a balance of the two (human with soul.)  Her soul aspect had this wheel barrow and the moment I connected to her, she moved into the center of my lady’s field, directly where that large glowing white inner field is, took her hands, started scooping out energy globs from the center field covering, the moment the energy was removed from it’s mass, it started to radiate various colors as she tossed them into the wheel barrow.  She then took the wheel barrow about 10 feet down her center path into her near future and dumped it out on the ground.

Often times for me, it is really difficult for me to understand the fullness of what I am seeing in the moment and I miss giving you details that have yet to come to me in understanding, one huge reason I write these blogs too (smile.)

This glowing white center field area that is constant, at least for now, is a massive co-mingling of your human desires charged with all the feelings you have around those desires, the trigger codes that will manifest the desire into our created life (a blue print of manifestation so to speak) and the soul energy/magnetic energy to materialize “that” into y/our created world.  What is also taking place in the areas I cannot see, is the electrical alignment into the heart of your life.  Too quantum an energy for my eyes."   forts.

lørdag 13. juli 2013

SaLuSa 12:07:2013 - FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2013 - Channeller: MADAD

"The moments you have been waiting for are here for each and every one of you who choose to follow own inner guidance and let the old ways behind. Please surrender deeply into your own inner self and find out more. These are the times when energy of your body is rising and the frequency is much higher than any previous moment in your Earth history. Feel the attraction of Love you are surrounded with and hear the guiding voice inside and do not let mind confuse you about your true reality. 

Everyone has his/her own way to follow regarding Ascension process and once another step is walked you will simply join together and create that promised land with our help. Please know that all will be settled once you have clearly decided to leave the old and follow the new, which is calling you with ever increasing intensity. 

You see us flying in your skies and we feel your thoughts are most of the times loving and all of you are asking when the Disclosure is going to happen. We are telling you that it is already happening, maybe not exactly the way you have thought it will be but please let also room for those who are just awakening and remember how you first time found out that we exist. 

All is in accordance with our plans and please keep in mind that they are constantly changing and if now the Disclosure is moving slowly, tomorrow it could be that your leaders will disclose all the fact that have been hidden for many years. Do not let yourselves be hold within this fear or doubts because they are slowing you on your way. Release them the most comfortable way you are used to and fully concentrate on the beautiful future which is already there, awaiting your coming.

We feel it is no easy task to do, but we see you as wonderful and powerful beings of Light, who firmly stands behind all the changes that are happening and transforming your reality into that Dream which all are having in certain way.  We are guiding you and it is our greatest pleasure to be with you because we also following our paths and doing all that we can to get closer to you.  Although some still let their selves believe they are not able to communicate with us directly, we are patiently waiting until they decide it is time to try it, because everyone has this ability just choosing not to do so right now. We cannot influence this choice as it would be infringement upon your free will. These are the Universal Laws that we all are obliged to follow, but with this we are welcoming all who wish to communicate with us to simply find a quiet place and think of us and if you are ready you will surely hear or feel our warm greeting.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and looking forward when you find out that your abilities improved far more from what have you thought.  These times are changing times and all that are aligned with the flow will see true wonders and miracles happening on their way Home. We love you all and with rising vibrations we are able to send more of our love. Feel it."