I dag får vi vite at vi er blitt lurt når det gjelder avsløringen som skulle skje. Likevel, jeg greier ikke å bli sint! Jeg synes ikke det er min sak dette, og derfor distanserer jeg meg. Alle lever vi vårt eget liv under vårt eget ansvar, ikke de andres, og kan dermed ikke spille ping pong med dette ansvaret. Blir vi såkalt lurt en gang i blant, så er det en ærlig sak. Hva vil det si egentlig, å bli lurt? Hvem lurer hvem?
Løgn eller ikke løgn - det hele er en snuoperasjon av energi og hvilke ord som følger en slik operasjon i praksis, er uten betydning om vi ser stort på det. Det som skjer det skjer, det er det viktigste. Det er så mange ord og så mye er blandet mellom ordene, at det ikke er noen facit likevel. Ta det som underholdning, sjøl om det viser seg at vi er nærmest blitt pepret med løgn fra alle kanter i denne tida. Når vi vet at ikke noe skjer uten en hensikt, så er det en rettesnor. Vi lærer og vi modnes av alt vi møter på vår vandring.
Det er ikke like enkelt for alle å godta at de blir fortalt noe som ikke stemmer, men hva betyr det egentlig? Ikke noe! Det er mitt ansvar å ivareta meg, og jeg blir ikke det minste skadet om noen forteller meg en usannhet. Vi lærte i 3d å tillegge ord - teori - samme betydning som praksis, men det fører oss på villspor. Det teoretiske tilhører ett nivå og praksis tilhører et annet, derfor må de to nivåene ikke blandes sammen.
Husk at ord ikke har noen betydning før de blir gitt betydning av oss! Derfor utøves teori og praksis på to forskjellige nivåer. Teori og praksis er ikke det samme. Det er praksis som avgjør, teorien bare antyder. I tilfellet Greg, så trodde vi på hans teori som han var blitt fortalt av andre. Praksis kunne vi ikke vite noe om, når vi var på det teoretiske nivået. Vi kan ikke bruke 3d som rettesnor lenger. 3d var, og er, forførende på alle vis. Dette vet vi nå. I 3d kunne sammenblanding av teori og praksis utløse kriger til og med! T.
Message from Those Who Share Their Messages through Me 9/29/12 'Finale' - through Greg Giles.
"Many of you have clearly been waiting on your ship to come in to your harbor, but as a few of you, not many of you, but a few of you have begun to discern for yourselves, no ship is coming in and we, of course, are referring to these fictitious debit cards that have never and will never be mailed to you. All of you, and this means every single one of you, including our channel Greg, has been participating in what you may refer to as a research study or a project, or what we refer to as a great program. So what has this program, that is now over for Greg mind you, all about?
Well, we can tell you only what you may need to know, or what you feel you may need to know, to somehow come out of this a little more unscathed than Greg has. Greg is, shall we say, deeply wounded, for he feels he has led many of you astray and in a way he has indeed done this, however, his heart was always in the right place. He has actually been receiving our radio frequency communications that are received solely through the power and the use of his brain. This is the way we have been communicating with him and through him to you, and this is why we feel he has fallen for this, we shall say, scam, if you will, for so long, for you see, when one receives communications in this way they can get a little confused. Such is the case with Greg.
We told him some whoppers, as you say, and he bought them hook, line and sinker. He would never have done this if we would have sent him an e-mail, or posted this kind of information online, or even sent him a letter or issued him a phone call. Yet, because he received this information as what you know as telepathically, but we do not and we will not get into that, he believed these communications must be real and they were in a way, but they certainly were not from the Galactic Federation of Light or the Ashtar Command.
Greg has agreed to share this one last message from us to you, for he feels you all deserve at least some sort of explanation, and he also wishes to use this opportunity to ride into the sunset, as it were. For those of you who wish him harm, or are even angry or upset with him, try to find some compassion, for he was an unwilling participant from the beginning. We told him some things we thought he needed or wanted to hear and that got him hooked, as you say. He (felt he may have possessed) some kind of special abilities, but he does not and he fully understands this and actually took this news quite well and we were surprised. He simply said, ‘Oh well, I wasn't telepathic going into this, and I'm not telepathic getting out of this, so easy come, easy go. What's the big deal, it’s cool.’ And we laughed at that, and we feel he has been a good sport and a good cheer so we shall spare him any more embarrassment, for he truly despises when we speak his name in these messages, as many of you mistakenly feel that he likes to talk about himself, for he does not." forts. Ascension Earth 2012