søndag 25. januar 2009


Let me speak now about the many aspects of what has been transpiring in Gaza. Even though your media have reported the grossly disproportionate Israeli retaliation for the missiles directed by Hamas into areas of Israel, Palestinian casualties are much higher than announced. As in any conflict, there are outspoken proponents and opponents of both sides: Israel’s right to defend its borders from the declared aim of Hamas to destroy its neighbor, and the Palestinians’ right to end the oppression that began with the formation of Israel.

It is not publicized that behind this conflict are the Zionists, one of many groups and organizations operating within the Illuminati forces, and their intention is to keep bloodshed, fear, hatred, retaliation, destruction and oppression active in that part of the Middle East. Zionists, who may be of Jewish or any other ethnicity, hold powerful government, military, banking, corporate, religious, media and educational positions around the world; and through coercion, bribery or blackmail get underlings to carry out their despicable schemes. The Zionist movement does not represent the Israeli peoples or Jews anywhere in the world, nevertheless it hides behind the façade of anti-Semitism. The same kinds of dark minds that initiated World War II and funded both the Allies and the Axis also formed the plan to create a new homeland for Jews liberated from Nazi concentration camps by displacing the established Palestinian population. And for the past sixty years, those kinds of minds have created foment through well-placed agitators and strategic incidents to create radical elements on both sides that are more willing to fight to the death than to seek the peace and harmony deeply desired by both peoples.

søndag 18. januar 2009

~ Pepper Lewis

These above words are protected, meaning that they have always existed in one form or another.

There is but one world, and it contains many peoples
There is but one world race, and it is multi-cultured in appearance
There is but one world religion, and at its head is a Deity of Consciousness
There is but one measure of prosperity, and its root is layered in compassion
There is but one earthly resource, and it is called Man
There is but one truth, and it is visible within all that is invisible
There is but one thought which alone precipitates itself, and it is called Mind
There is but one thing that alone precedes itself, and it is called Light
There is but one origin of Man and one solution for Man, which it is to restore Himself and suffer not the effects of the wheel of birth and rebirth

torsdag 15. januar 2009

Surr i systemet - Prøv denne


fredag 9. januar 2009

Israelittene og terroristene

De største, verste og mest ødeleggende terrorister for israelittene,
er de hatske tankene de retter mot palestinerne. Hatet bryter ned.

onsdag 7. januar 2009

The Meaning of Change

Cosmic Connections

More information belonging to what we might consider the spiritual side of our being will be allowed to enter our consciousness in a more controlled manner. This is just the beginning of the changes in our bodies, which has already begun. When finished, we will be completely re-wired and ready for new accomplishments.

The ultimate goal is to trace our path through memory from the moment our souls were cast off from the Father. This remembrance brings great abilities. Our inheritance is to create as the Father has created and shepherd those creations! Each earth cycle has advanced some to this point. We call them Masters, since they have mastered time, space, and vibration.

Before they came into this lifetime, there was a commitment between a Mother and a Son to bring forth this information from the Akashic records when the time was right.

One is in the vibrational level of spirit, gathering the information, and one holds feet squarely in the denser levels of the earth, disseminating what is brought forth. It appears that perhaps we have done this many times before.

tirsdag 6. januar 2009

Mitt nyttårs-ønske

Alle vil vi ha forandringer på mange områder i 2009 - ikke minst på regjeringsnivåene rundt om i verden. Jeg vil si med Gandhi ; "Be the change you wish to see in the world".


Inger Hagerup

Jeg er akkurat stor nok.
Fyller meg selv helt
på langs og på tvers
fra øverst til nederst.
Er du større enn deg selv kanskje?