Oppstigningen av planeten Jorda skjedde som den skulle. Alt bestemmes av menneskenes tanker, og da har vi fått det slik vi tenkte når planeten steg. Når menneskene endrer tankegang, endrer planeten posisjon - slik fungerer det. Da gjelder det bare for den enkelte å fortsette med sine klare meninger om seg og sitt.
2013 - The Aquarian Shift
Lord Metatron via James Tyberonn
Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity has made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. So it is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR. Our message is to tell you of your Divinity, and to tell you as a matter of fact, as a point of truth, that the planet is now in Year ONE of the New Earth.
Indeed humanity will follow and in rapid time, will also Ascend. You are absolutely on track for that to happen.
In this new era, it is incumbent upon the seekers to project joy, to project light, for in the expansion to Crystalline Harmonics, every photon of mental light you project is amplified. And this occurs more rapidly in the New Energy. So your roles take on a new benevolence, as your creation powers increase.
Many humans on the path of light contend that everything happens for reason. This is oft extrapolated to 'everything that happens is meant to happen....that all is as it should be.'
We tell you that from the higher stance, everything does lead to greater understanding, but the 'University of Earth' is purposed for learning responsible creativity. The leading professor is the doctor of 'cause and effect', and this doctor makes house calls.
If everything happened in the highest order on the first 'go-round' there would be no need for the learning and growth cycle of reincarnation. So there is indeed a learning curve and apprenticeship that allows for repeating the process. Humanity will continue to take the course until responsible creation is mastered.
Not every action, not every decision passes the test.
Your new matrix of 2013 and beyond offers a more concentrated matriculation criteria for humanity. In this advanced regimen more action is required for graduation.
It is now the time for focal co-creation. We tell you that individual and group coherent thought can and will change the reality of your planet. But you must understand that the most potent, most effective creative manifestation does not occur in 3-d brain, but in the theta frequency of higher dimensional mind.
There are so many things that you realize must be changed. So many mindsets are still focused in the erroneous trappings of the 3-d plane, including greed, man's inhumanity to fellow beings, and the seeking of power over love. In 2013 you can begin to unite and create a harmonic earth. Effort is needed, the clarion calls !
I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You Are Beloved.
.... And so it is ... And it is So.