We are your protectors and we are your family of the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/30/12 'Arrests Update'
"Debunkers are those who attempt to disprove theories and beliefs of others. The reasons why these individuals or even organizations choose to use much of their energy in such pursuits differs from person to person, but we will say for the most part these individuals attempt to disprove or dismiss other's views because these views to not match their own beliefs and understandings. We see this as an unproductive means to advance on one's journey, learning and picking up new ideas and concepts as one travels through this universe, but we will also say that all of the choices of others no matter what they may be should be respected and are respected always by us, and therefore we welcome any and all views even if they are on the contrary to our existence and our peaceful intentions to assist humanity and your planet at this time.
There are many of you with opposing views; this has been made very clear to us of the Galactic Federation of Light. We see these differences in opinions flaring up from time to time into heated debate and argument and even in the promulgation of insults being hurled back and forth. We do not wish to see this, as again, there are certainly more productive ways to share your ideas and your points of view to each other. We wish to say that there is no need for name calling or insulting of one another. You are all in this together. You have all gotten to this point together. If you could open up the pages of your true history you would read stories and adventures that team you with individuals that today you may argue with throughout your online communities. This is what we would like you to understand, that even those who today may appear your enemy or your foe of some kind may have been your brother or your sister or your closest friend or ally while you were at war with others. Try to see this, and try to understand that all of you are indeed friends and you are all indeed family. Try to think of this the next time debate turns heated throughout your online communities and we feel this can be your water to the flame.
We would like to speak with you today about the impending arrests of many members of your criminal cabal who have conspired against the people of your planet. We would like to say that the operation to remove these beings from your world is proceeding smoothly at this very time. We are seeing troop movement into areas where we, through our monitoring capabilities, have concluded members of your criminal cabal await for their arrest or have chosen these areas as a place of refuge in an attempt to hide from what is inevitable and what is just. We see that there are many of you waiting with great anticipation for the news of these arrests to break through your popular media, and we say to you that it is appropriate to remain confident at this time, but we also urge you to remain patient, as although signals have indeed been given that these arrests will now proceed, this is an extremely delicate operation and matters must be dealt with appropriately as they surface one by one and appeased sufficiently before the operation can once again begin to move forward." forts.