"Hello. This John with Saul’s message for Monday April 29th 2013. I have been tired and irritable these last few days and have had difficulty making a connection with either Saul or Jesus, and that is why there was no blog post last Sunday. So I decided to share with you the whole experience. I started receiving this message last Friday and got very little. Sitting during the weekend did not help, and finally I managed to unblock or release my irritation/anxiety today. And so we have a message. Enjoy!
Saul channeled Friday April 26th 2013 1.10. pm.
Me: Good afternoon, dear Saul. Thanks for your last message. My energy, motivation, and tiredness have been rather up and down lately. Anyhow, please start dictation of a message to post tomorrow night on our blog. Thanks.
Saul: Good afternoon, John. Just relax and allow, and I will help, then we can start – there is much to report that will uplift you and our readers. (break from Friday 1.20 pm thru Monday 11.15 am)
Me: Well, I didn’t get far with listening to you! What’s going on? I feel disconnected, tired, useless, a waste of space. It’s not a case of “poor little me” even if it sounds like that, more a case of “no one home,” a kind of emptiness, waiting, but for what I know not. So, dear Saul, if you can get through my block, your input would be most welcome. Please talk, and help me to listen/hear. Oh, yes, I’ve also been feeling angry, irritated, and nothing sparks my interest.
Saul: Dear John, relax. All is as it should be, you are just resting, as you need to do, because on other levels you are very busy.
Me: What does that mean?
Saul: The new energies flooding the planet are very energy intensive and many of those who are consciously intending for humanity to awaken are feeling tired and dispirited at present, because these new energies are tiring for bodies which are still adjusting to accommodate them. Do not be alarmed. The necessary adjustments to your physical bodies that will enable them to ascend are taking place just as you and God intend. Many who made that intention before incarnating for this human life cycle, however, are now unaware of that commitment. But at deeper levels of their being they still hold that intent very determinedly, and it does add immeasurably to the power that is right now changing humanity’s collective intent so that awakening can occur.
In fact, there are only a very small number on Earth at this time who wish to maintain the old order of “divide and conquer” or “suppress and control.” They have been ably supported by many who believed that they would make personal gains from a relationship with those who seem to hold the reins of power. However, those supporters are just deeply asleep, and their true intent, like the vast majority of humanity, is to awaken, and they are now stirring in their sleep, and coming out of their state of unawareness of God’s Love for all of His creation." forts.