mandag 3. oktober 2011

Øvelse gjør mester!

"The Arcturian Group" through Marilyn Raffaele
"Practice going within for everything, and as you do, you will gain spiritual strength."
October 2, 2011

"Practice going within for everything, and as you do, you will gain spiritual strength." 

Det er så bra å se, nå blir det lagt vekt på det "Indre" i de fleste kanaliseringene som kommer.  Jeg tar med et par-tre smakebiter:   

"Mankind is starting discern that which is old and finished and this discernment is manifesting in the world as a dissatisfaction with the status quo."  

"You are becoming more sensitive to energy and Light. The veil is thinning, and is causing dissatisfaction with so much that you previously took for granted." 

You see dear ones, the old (duality and separation) is not based in Divine law and truth, it simply reflects your venture into the experience of separation in order to remember who you were while within this energy of separation."
Ikke tillat deg å tenke 3d-tanker mer, men ha blikket rettet innover slik at forståelsen blir integrert.   Du kan leve med 3d-tanker rundt deg, uten at du tenker på den måten.

Interessant kanalisering!   

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