lørdag 8. mars 2014


Det er bare å skjerpe tankegangen litt, så forstår vi at det er vi sjøl som står i veien for oss - eller jeg som står i veien for meg, du for deg, osv.   Bruk tanken - den er din og den er ledig til bruk.  Det du trenger, det tenker du at du trenger - og dermed kommer det på et eller annet vis.  Dette vet du, dette har du hørt mange ganger, men du tror ikke at det kan være slik.  Slik er det!  Lykke til!

My dear friends, we love you so very much. 

There is more than enough time dear ones, to do all that is important to your soul. There is more than enough energy, money, and resources for each and every one of you to live a happy and beautifully expressed life. However it is such a dis-ease in the human condition to focus upon dis-ease and such a misunderstanding of God's love to focus upon, and therefore create, lack. 

When you get up in the morning, tell God and your angels what you want help with each day. Give us your "to-do" list and let us assist with your list! Stop worrying about whether you have the time, the money, the resources, the energy, etc. If what you hope to accomplish is a desire planted by God within your beautiful heart, then dear ones, God will support is manifestation.

If however, you find you are not getting what you want at the moment, stop. Breathe. Tantrums, while so very human, do not serve your greater joy. Giving up and guaranteeing disappointment does not serve your joy. Instead faith serves your joy. Trust. Believe that your creator wants more for you than you would even dream to ask.

Say you want some money to pay a bill and the money does not come. You find yourself having to swallow your pride, to ask someone else for assistance. You find this distasteful until you understand you are asking God for assistance through the other. And if the other person is listening to their guidance and their heart, they will give you an honest "yes" or an honest "no." If they are not listening honestly, then they will learn a lesson in listening.

If each one of you simply proceeded with life, as guided in each moment, there would be a beautiful divine dance between all of humanity, much like the divine dance between healthy cells in the human body. There would be recognition that serving self serves others, and serving others serves self. There would be an understanding that a "yes" is no better than a "no" as long as both are honest.

So before you sink into focusing on lack, remember you are connected now and forevermore to the source of ALL abundance, all well-being, all answers, indeed... all-that-is. Put your faith there dear ones. God loves you. We love you. There is plenty for all of you and for all you could ever dream of imagine. 

God Bless You! We love you so very much. 
-- The Angels

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