tirsdag 21. august 2012

Sheldan Nidle - August 21, 2012 9 Etznab, 6 Uo, 9 Eb

Sheldan Nidle - August 21, 2012

9 Etznab, 6 Uo, 9 Eb

"Dratzo! We come to give you another report on what is transpiring around your world. In Asia and Europe a general rebellion continues against the dollar and its debt-based fiat system. In fact, the new gold-backed currencies are beginning to show their hand. Further, the pressing need for debt forgiveness is demonstrated by what is going on in Iceland, where the peoples' revolution is illustrating just how easy it is to counteract the chaos that is the dark's agenda. The gigantic global debt and its resultant social problems need to be resolved quickly; indeed, the mess now spreading in Greece and most of southern Europe exemplifies this core issue. It is for this reason that the new system is predicated on two central factors: universal debt forgiveness and the return to a precious-metals-backed monetary system. Preventing its swift introduction is the waning, albeit still powerful, presence of dark control. To avert a global economic meltdown, Earth's sacred secret societies are preparing a way to sequester the last dark cabal. We form part of this complex operation and intend to use our technology to assist in its removal.

This process of change is tied to the ongoing shift in consciousness. As you know, our mission is an integral part of a divine pledge to return you to full consciousness, and hence the dark's agenda can no longer hold. We are waiting for the final agreements which permit us to legally terminate the dark's power complex. One aspect of this complex, which is key to breaking its hold over, you is a pattern of cultural and social beliefs which they inculcated into you and which bind you unquestioningly to them. These mental 'prison bars' will be shown up for what they are by our next series of actions. It is disconcerting to us that so many have bought into this very ill woven tapestry of lies! You are sacred souls who have been reduced to a degree of mindlessness that can accept some truly unworthy notions of Heaven and your origins on this world. These falsities are compounded and daily reinforced by a power structure that was manned by individuals who were carefully chosen by your former masters, the Anunnaki. This group of off-worlders set up the system that still gives their chosen Earth minions control over every aspect of your lives. This system is now to be totally dismantled by us."  forts.

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