søndag 19. august 2012

~ All Levels Evolve ~ As Below So Above ~ Sat August 25, 2012

 ~ All Levels Evolve ~   As Below So Above   ~  Sat August 25, 2012

~ Re-minders from Home ~

From Steve:
In this channel the group spoke about the how the wave of energy is affecting other harmonic levels.  One of the big concerns is for those who have stepped out of the body and died, but have yet to go Home. Earthbounds, ghosts and many other names have been used to describe this in-between level of existence. The group says that the beings in these levels are now feeling great difficulties as this wave of energetic change continues to play out.

The group wanted us to become aware of the stress being felt, as it also creates potential opportunities for many to return Home. With very little effort, all of us can make a big difference here.  If we are bearers of the light, we should welcome dark places.  The important part the group wanted us to remember is that as souls, we now have an opportunity to re-unite on all levels.

Have a great month and exercise compassion!


Greetings from Home

The Reverse Wave Has Begun

"The connection between Home and Earth has become much faster, especially over the last several months. Planet Earth is now changing in preparation for what is to come.   Imagine what it would be like to have a giant wave of water like a tsunami coming in to change everything in its path.  Before the wave comes in, the water first goes out toward the ocean and seems to form a reverse wave in anticipation of the huge one that is expected.  It is as if the negative energy needs to draw everything out before the positive energy can flow in to make the change.  This is typical of wave patterns.

We have been speaking about wave patterns for some time.  Now we are about to tell you of the wave you are creating and the tremendous effect it is having.  You are excited and ready to ascend.  Very simply, that excitement is stirring within you and causing your heart to beat in such a way that you have created a vibrational movement around you.  When you combine the vibration with that of other like-minded people around you,  it forms a conglomerate of waves.  All waves begin strongly, but when they meet resistance they fade out and eventually become a straight line.   This is indicative of all wave patterns until you have two waves occur together."     forts.

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