mandag 20. august 2012


Hvilken vesensforskjell er det på 3. dimensjon til forskjell for 5. dimensjon?  I 3. dimensjon er vi vant til at alt framstår synlig, rundt oss, eller i det ytre.  I 5. dimensjon oppleves synligheten i det indre.   



"You are now coming into a peak phase of your ascension process in which you will realize that all that you have become is merely an introduction to the expression of the SELF that you will soon display. All of your lives you have been building towards this moment of being a world leader.

Being a world leader does not mean that you need to be a governmental leader, for government will be very different in your new world. Instead, being a world leader means that you are among the Ones who are the leaders through the portals into the many worlds of New Earth. Hence, you will be a leader into a New World.

The portal to New Earth is not perceived by your physical senses for it is not a physical portal. It is a fifth dimensional portal and can only be perceived by your multidimensional consciousness. In Fact, this portal is within the NOW of the ONE. Therefore, it is within your High Heart.

In your third dimensional reality you are accustomed to recognizing reality on the outside of your body. However, in the fifth dimensional reality you will perceive reality from inside your SELF. As your consciousness continues to expand, you will remember how to perceive all reality from the inner perspective of your High Heart.

Many of you are beginning to FEEL the frequency of any given reality so that you may choose whether or not you wish to interact with that possible or probable reality. A possible reality is one that you may or may not choose to experience, whereas a probable reality is one you are already experiencing in some frequency of your multidimensional SELF.

If you can decide it is within your destiny to interact with any given world, you can open the Portal of your High Heart by going within your SELF to visit that reality.

On the other hand, you may choose not to interact with that reality. Hence, you will keep your portal closed. Still, you may choose to project unconditional love into that reality.

Finally, you many not be drawn to that reality. In that case, you can simply ignore that reality and move flow your consciousness beyond it.

You are already choosing which third dimensional experiences/realities you wish to experience. There are many daily experiences in which you choose to either engage or ignore. However, as you continue to flow into the higher frequencies of Multidimensional Earth, you are entering the energy field in which Earth is transmuting into Her higher frequencies of expression.

Since Gaia is entering the multidimensional world of the fifth dimension, She is “trying on” myriad different versions of Her Planetary SELF. Whereas physical Earth could have only one concrete, static and time-bound version, multidimensional New Earth is expressed in myriad frequency and sub-frequencies expressions of reality.

Because of the many possible realities of New Earth, more humans can ascend out of the third/fourth dimensional Earth and into the ever-escalating possibilities of fifth dimensional Earth. Just as you may visit many houses before you move into a new home, Gaia is visiting many expressions of Her New Earth. However, the Gaia’s homes are on different frequencies instead of in different places.

Simultaneously, New Earth has always existed within the NOW of the ONE. The concept of different types of reality existing at the same time may seem impossible to your third dimensional thinking. However, that which is impossible to understand with linear, third dimensional thinking is quite normal within the NOW of your multidimensional thinking."  forts.

I shall return with my dear friends the Arcturians,
Ashtar Command

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