fredag 31. august 2012

MESSAGE FROM THE ANDROMEDA GALAXY (13): THE RETURN OF TRUTH - Friday, August 31, 2012 - By Ute Posegga-Rudel

MESSAGE FROM THE ANDROMEDA GALAXY (13): THE RETURN OF TRUTH - Friday, August 31, 2012   -   By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Dearest  Ones,
"We  come again to confirm to you all, that the development in the heavenly realms is progressing! We are more exited  every day, that the immensity of highly increased Light in the universe will soon affect your world in a way that all veils of separation from it will cease to exist! This Light is Light from Source Itself which is Empowering all realms of creation, to call them back to their own Origin of Self-Existing Radiance. It is no longer allowed in your universe that creations can continue which do not love and worship Source Itself and through this love allow Source to become fully Obvious and Acknowledged in the heart of Beings in whatever dimension or form they appear. This IS the Return of Truth which grants happiness and fullness, as the heart, which is the core of every being, is used as an open corridor to its very Source Itself.
The veils of separation from  Source are fading, ignorance and false doctrines are disappearing from now on continuously, especially for those who are ready to accept  and are willing to discover that the door in their heart is open to Infinity. That Infinity is Radiant, ever Blissful, it is Truth Itself that manifests Its Reality in creation more and more prevailing, so that all things and beings can be recognized as an emanation of this Truth. We have come to plant this spark of Knowledge into your heart so that your joyful anticipation can be like an opening flower to receive the sunlight.  Dearest Ones, YOU yourself are a seed of this Blissful Truth, if your own flower of heart reaches out with desire to deep inside and out, to meet the Source, to find and locate It as the Infinite that Surrounds you and is therefore found in the deep of your own Radiance.
What we say, cannot be taken lightly or as a metaphor. You must come to the true Spiritual Understanding of It by going through a purification process , through which  in due course you start to understand the nature of your body-mind and its implications in your world, to transcend it. Truth is absolute Simplicity and Beauty, however a Mystery too, and to recognize it, you cannot use your mind or imagination. Our speech is only an attempt to ignite your inspiration and set your intuition on fire.  Let it be so, so that your limitations of mind are blown open, and your remembrance dawns to rediscover where you are coming from!  There is only One Radiance, One Reality, One Love-Bliss that Pervades all Existence and holds the universes together."  forts.

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, … Continue reading 

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