onsdag 14. september 2011

Hva er det vi bukker og skraper for?

Benjamin Fulford - September 13, 2011

"The real reason behind the 911 terror was a battle for control of the global collateral accounts" 

Alle har vi hørt og sett det meste om "911" i USA.  Men er det et riktig bilde vi har fått?   Vet vi hvem som sto bak dette angrepet?  Her er noen aktuelle navn på såkalte bakmenn:   

"According to a US intelligence group that has been on this case for some time, the top cabalists include George Bushes Jr.&Sr, Henry (Heinz) Kissinger, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Senator J. Rockefeller, Paul Wolfowitz, Frank Carlucci, Donald Rumsfeld, Tony Blair and the Pope. Of course there were many thousands of working below them or else above them in the shadows who were in on the scheme. The intelligence and police agencies of the world have now obtained the codes for the global collateral accounts and can trace in detail who has been using these funds, and for what purpose, ever since they were hijacked in the 1950’s."

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