tirsdag 22. april 2014

"Messages from Ann & the Angels" - Saturday, April 19, 2014 - You are never stuck

In all things you have choice, and while you might not see the choices in front of you so clearly, they are nonetheless there. Even if you see no options in the external world, you always have the ability to choose how you will respond to life. You have the ability to choose how you will respond to other human beings. And you have the ability to choose how you will respond to you very own thoughts and feelings. So in essence you are never ever trapped in a "bad" situation because you can choose to respond with love. And in so doing, you change your vibration and therefore what you will attract in the very next moment. It only takes a second of stepping into a more loving space to change your entire future. 

So when you feel stuck, ask yourself, "How can I bring more love into this situation." "What thoughts, words, or deeds most lovingly reflect the truth in my own heart right here and right now?" And then, for your own sake, and in truth for the sake of those around you, think, speak or act in these loving ways. Choose always to honor your own beautiful spirit first; knowing that in doing so, you honor God's guidance within you. And in doing that, you honor the souls around you as well although you might have to disappoint their human egos.  It is rarely your outer actions that have the most impact in your lives, but rather the amount of love with which you live each moment.

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