onsdag 20. april 2016

Sheldan Nidle

Jeg husker godt denne dagen som i ettertid er blitt benevnt "9/11”.  Jeg hadde gått tur i skog og mark og kom heim til en telefon som var rødglødende av nyheter. Sjokkert dumpet jeg ned på en stol og der satt jeg lenge for å snakke med folk som trengte å få ut frustrasjon. Spør om de alle, på linje med meg sjøl, var i sjokk!  Radioen sendte sjokkmeldinger hele ettermiddagen - alle liknet stadig mer på spørsmålstegn. Vi sendte helbredende tanker til hele verden, men mest til de stakkars amerikanerne! Ikke mange har vel egentlig visst, av resten av verden, hva dette egentlig bunnet i.  I åras løp har meldinger løpt inn om både det ene og det andre til alle uinnvidde over hele verden.

"As the former might of America fades into the sunrise of a new day, a whole new realm full of excitement and prosperity is currently ready to manifest. Count Saint Germain knew that a major set of events was needed to establish the required foundations for this new realm. At the opening of this millennium, America was to achieve its greatest false flag and call it “9/11.” America turned on its own people and wiped out many more lives than reported to create a false sense of security for its ruling oligarchy. This security was shattered by the rise in this world of a relentless force that turned America’s “victory” into the object that was to be the main cause for its ultimate undoing. This set of events led to the “RV” and the start of a global currency reset. These things were the heart of a new financial system. This alone signaled that America’s days as a god-like super power were over. It was to be replaced with a NESARA-born new governance and an unlimited prosperity. These elements were to embody a new realm filled with ETs, Agarthans and a new sense of purpose.   Click here

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