mandag 26. mai 2014

Messages from the Angels - Saturday, May 24, 2014 - Focus on your eternal being - Ann Albers Visions of Heaven - Messages from the Angels

When you know who you really are, you can simply enjoy the rest of your life as an adventure! You are an eternal soul walking around in a temporary body, and yet your physical life receives so much attention! You believe it controls you. You fear that it will not look as you wish. You identify with your bank accounts, your bodies, your situations in life, the people around you, and yet dear ones the greatest identification you can make, is that with love. For indeed your are fashioned in the image and likeness of God, and that truth alone will transform your existence. 
Are you tired of not "having enough"? Then dear ones look into your spirit and see where you are depriving yourself of your own love. Are you wanting to feel better in your body? Then look inside your heart and see where you can feel better in your soul. Are you desiring companionship? How can you be a better friend to yourself and allow others closer to the real you? Always and forever we encourage you to look at your material world as a mirror, and then to ask yourself, "What can I change inside of me first, in order to shift my outer reality?"

You are not the body. You are not the thoughts. You are not the circumstances around you. You are nothing less than a being created from the very heart of God, a being fashioned of love, created uniquely and beautifully from this love.

Embrace the fact that you are a soul. Embrace the fact that you came to learn that you are nothing less than love. Embrace the fact that at every moment in time, whether awkward or graceful, you are attempting to create a more loving reality. And from that perspective, by all means shape your outer world as you wish. Decorate your homes. Choose cars you like. Preen, primp, and take care of your bodies. Your spirit can, if you like create a wonderful adventure here while upon the earth... as long as you remember, you are spirit first, and from that reality, all else will follow.

Ann Albers Visions of Heaven - Messages from the Angels

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