mandag 23. desember 2013

THE FREQUENCY IS GOLD - The New Earth Energies December 2013/January 2014 - Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Her får vi forklaringen på hvorfor året 2013 har vært et slitsom år.  Jordboeren kommer ikke unna å bli seg sitt ansvar bevisst.  Jordboeren skal lære å ta ansvaret for seg sjøl fullt og helt. Den enkelte har ansvar for seg og ingen andre. Så når vi tror at dén og dén har gjort dét og dét mot oss, så er det ikke riktig. Det er vi som alltid velger å la det skje.  Ingen andre velger for meg, eller deg, det gjør vi sjøl.

"Beloved Family of Light, in this montth of December 2013 and into January 2014, your Earth is making major shifts and adjustments in Frequency as it begins to anchor the Frequency of the Gold Ray.

The Sun has been assisting with this frequency shift, and the intense Solar activity of the last six months has been assisting in recalibrating the frequency of the Earth and allowing this new frequency to settle and anchor.

Beloved Family, we know how difficult this has been for you. As Light Family, you have had to work to hold your Light despite the challenges that have confronted you at many levels.

Now, in this month of December, you are completing the work of 2013 and beginning a new path of Manifestation and Abundance. In this message we will discuss first the shift from 2013 to 2014, and the powerful energy of the 12/12 and the Solstice, and then we will look at the incoming energies of 2014 and the role of the Crystal Children who are becoming young adults.

2013 : The Year of Transcending Duality

The Earth shifted into her 5th Dimensional timeline in December of 2011. In December of 2012, the Earth began her New Cycle of Time as the "New Earth", and now in December of 2013 you will be given the opportunity to enter into your Mastery of Light by transcending duality in your life and anchoring the Gold Ray of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

This has been why it has been such a difficult year for so many of you. At every level and at every moment you have been asked to make choices in your lives. Will you react in the old ways of duality, or will you transcend this and choose to find a path of reconciliation, compassion and love.

For many of you, this new path has been difficult, for the path of love often starts with self love and with learning to say "no" when necessary. So many of you have had to learn to make space for yourselves and to say "no" to things that no longer work for you or perhaps never really worked for you.

This has been uncomfortable as you have slowly learned to transcend duality and conflict and rise into the frequency of integration and complementarity.

You have had to learn to make choices and to be responsible for those choices as true Warriors of the Light.

But, the rewards have also been great. As you have reached into yourselves, into your hearts and souls, and into love, you have also transcended pain and suffering and moved into Joy and Peace.

The long journey of many liftimes is nearing its end as you begin to adjust and settle into the Frequency of Gold and the Christ Consciousness. This is a place of Harmony, Unity and Peace, a place of Abundance and Joy."    forts.

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