tirsdag 10. desember 2013

A SAUL Message - by John Smallman - Humanity has collectively made the choice to open to the Light.

"As the Christmas and New Year holiday season approaches really focus on being peaceful, being compassionate, and being loving, as Jesus always was. He is your guiding Light, the Way, and the Path, and he demonstrated to you by his attitude and behavior how to follow It. Yes, all paths are individualized because you all have your own lessons to learn, no two are the same.

Nevertheless, when you intend to live lovingly as Jesus did, and as you focus your attention on being loving like him much of the energy that you channel and share will be similar to his, and that is what is healing humanity and preparing it for the great shift in awareness, in consciousness, and in intent. That is why you are on Earth at this time, to enable humanity to shift away from conflict and mistrust and move towards Love. Remember every single one of you without exception channels energy constantly because you are all, always, conduits directly connected to the Source! Make it positive loving energy by holding only that intent.

Do not forget that spiritual energy is like electricity, it is abundantly available and powerful, but what you do with it, what you use it for is up to you. When you are unaware of your origins, of your spiritual heritage, it is very easy to choose to use it to serve your own egoic agendas. However, as all your egoic agendas are self-serving, its power becomes very diffused and misaligned when you do this, and it loses its effectiveness.

You have all forgotten or have lost access to the knowledge of the immense power that is yours, given to you by your Father so that, like Him, you can create, beautifully, wisely, intelligently, and perfectly! You are in the process of re-discovering your power and the knowledge of who You really are as you move towards the moment of your shift into Love. You are, as you have so often been told, Love incarnate. You cannot and could not be anything other than That because It is the ground of your being, the Essence from which you were created, It is your real Identity as sons and daughters of God, One with Him always. You are each individual aspects of His divine Perfection. To know and experience this is your destiny, your inescapable destiny, and that alone is reason for you to spend your lives rejoicing.

But of course, within the illusion, where that knowledge remains temporarily hidden from you, it is very difficult for you be aware of and accept the truth that your origin, that from which you were created is God Himself/Herself ~ Source ~ and nothing less. You are of God, you are Aspects of His divine and indivisible Self, eternally One with Him, even though it seems to you that this could not be the case. While your awareness, your ability to understand and experience your existence as divine beings remains severely restricted by your human embodiment, it also remains practically impossible for you to accept emotionally or intellectually the reality of this eternal truth."    forts.

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