torsdag 2. januar 2014

What you have been seeking has been with you always. January 1, 2014 by John Smallman

"The New Year is a time for cleansing, for releasing old thought patterns that no longer serve you, for forgiving yourselves and others, and for renewing your inherent but possibly forgotten intent to share and extend the Love that God offers you in every moment of your eternal existence.  It is a time to remind yourselves that you are always firmly held in the loving embrace that enfolds all of creation, that you can never be separated from it, and that any feeling or sense that you are alone, abandoned, or judged unworthy by God is illusory, a terrifying fantasy whose time is past.  You will awaken and your joy will be boundless.

To awaken is and has been your destiny ever since you chose to temporarily forget who you are.  God, Wisdom, Reality, Love knew that your desire to experience existence without Him was unsustainable and that you would change your mind and allow the illusion to crumble and dissolve, and that is what it is now in the process of doing because you have collectively chosen to awaken.  There have indeed been moments when it has appeared that you are back-sliding, that you do not wish to awaken, but those moments are also illusory – there is only Reality! – consequently your awakening is inevitable, unavoidable, and divinely assured.

During these last moments of your illusory experience just continue going within to that quiet, deep, inner space where you can know yourselves, know that you are the children of God, and renew your intent for humanity to return to Reality by releasing its fascination with, its desire for, and its belief in the illusion, thus removing its only support.  The power you have available to you to maintain it is enormous because you are divine beings of infinite power, but as soon as you remove that supportive intent from it by focusing instead on the Source, Reality, God, the illusion will dissolve.  It is only a matter of time before this occurs, and then time, being also illusory, will also be gone and you will realize that it was nothing but a dream, a dream that is fading very rapidly from your memory, from your awareness.

You were created in Love, the Source-field in which all of creation has its eternal existence, and beyond It there is nothing because there is no beyond, there is only Love, God, Source, Reality, the Supreme Intelligence – you have many names in your different cultures, nations, and religions for the One that encompasses and contains All.  Therefore you are all inseparable and essential parts or aspects of the One; without even one of you It would be incomplete and that is impossible. Therefore your eternal existence is divinely and eternally maintained by that divine and unchanging Intent.

Relax therefore in the certain and indisputable knowledge that you are, each one of you without exception, indispensable aspects of the One to Whom you are eternally and unbreakable connected.  The time for experiencing the unreal and the impossible – separation from your Source – is drawing to a close, so celebrate the arrival of this New and about to be most Uplifting and Inspiring Year with enthusiasm and joy because you are to return to awareness, consciousness of who you truly are, and the wonder of that will amaze and delight you."    forts.

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