tirsdag 15. oktober 2013

We are the Arcturian Group - OCTOBER 13, 2013

"Greetings dear people of the great planet Gaia, we rejoice with you as we observe the Light  flowing forth from and to you at this time.  Earth is moving quickly toward a new universal energy which increases with every person who opens their heart and mind to new and higher ways of seeing.  We observe people the  world over questioning and asking themselves if what they are being told by those in charge is actually true.  This questioning  indicates  personal and universal receptivity  to truth which in turn  brings focus and change to the myriad  forms of  powerlessness so many still experience. This is how change happens. 

The new receptivity of individual consciousness is bringing an awareness that man is  much more than just a servant for those holding world power.  Illusion  increasingly dissolves with each soul who hears and heeds their inner voice  and begins to awaken to the truth of who they really are.  Most of the world does not yet understand the spiritual nature of the energetic changes taking place.  They desire change because  living as they have always known and accepted,  no longer resonates with them and  many  are finding their voice--experiencing a new courage and strength with which to communicate and live in  new ways.

You are rapidly reaching the point at which more people are questioning the status quo than not, which is  a sure sign of consciousness change.  Do not expect  change to manifest fully in one moment, but know that evolution on this grand scale must be a gradual process.  You have lived many lifetimes in and of the third dimensional energy that always reflects the  pairs of opposites--experiences that are deeply ingrained physically, emotionally, and mentally. This is what is now clearing, releasing, and bringing the changes  taking place within you.  This will  enable you  to hold higher frequencies not present on earth before.  Be patient dear ones, and know that when you gave your permission to ascend, your Higher Self began the process.  You don't have to make it happen, it IS happening for it is the Reality of you.

It is time for every serious spiritual seeker to stop looking outside of themselves for Light to come to them in some form or another and begin to realize;  "I am the Light".  This  step  must be taken if you are to move out of the old third dimensional way of understanding the world.  "I am the way, the truth, and the light."--words not spoken simply by and for the master Jesus, but words spoken by him in order to explain to those listening that "I"  is not a personal "I", but "I" is the Divine--the one and only "I" -- your true identity. Since the Divine is all there is, it must  also your real Self--how else could you exist?

"I" is the  name of the Divine and the words "I AM" do not refer to one human being, but to the true essence of every being.  "I" is a sacred word.  Throughout time and even now,  there are those who through  gross ignorance and ego, have misinterpreted this truth to mean that they in their humanhood were God.  In this false sense of self they always proceed to  set up  rules and teachings  for others with dire consequences if not obeyed.   Their spiritually ignorant followers more often than not do experience dire consequences of some sort, for in their choice to  follow these false prophets they willingly give away their power."   forts.    

We are the Arcturian Group 

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