lørdag 19. oktober 2013

Selacia & Council of 12: Your Place in the World - Transmitted through Selacia - April 2008

En meget innholdsrik kanalisering!

"You may be asking yourself, in today's chaotic environment, how you fit in with your world and what your role is to be during humanity's great shift into higher consciousness. You have many opportunities for growth and being of service in these uncertain times, yet you perhaps question how to identify and use them.

Sometimes, when you focus on the magnitude of change underway, you may even wonder if you are fully equipped to take on the challenge. There is so much that needs changing. Where do you start?

And, very importantly, how do you keep your sanity and be personally empowered as you serve as a Divine Changemaker?

Lastly, what does it really look like to be a potent force for positive change in these times? When you walk the Earth in this transformational role, what are the outward signs of manifestation? What are some of the hallmarks of the new paradigm approaches to work and living one's purpose? Where are the like-minded souls you are meant to befriend, learn from, and serve?

These questions and more are addressed here.

Right now, you are in a process of being awakened to the truly dysfunctional state of your world, and the need to change the outmoded status quo.


The following is some background on these unique times. To be alive now offers unprecedented opportunities to evolve and change your path of destiny. In no other historical period could you advance so much in a single life. In reality, "advancement," involves clearing away the layers of falseness and forgetting of your natural Divine nature. While that is easier to conceptualize than to "do," you indeed can succeed. You can learn to live as soul, and to integrate spirit into your everyday reality. After all, this is your natural mode of being.

The potential you have in this life to transcend massive amounts of negative karma is profound. You make choices daily, knowingly or unknowingly, that can help you to create positive karma and to transcend negative karma. As you uplift your consciousness with inner work and outer actions, you help yourself in ways that are beyond human linear measure. In addition, your higher vibrational consciousness impacts your loved ones, strangers you meet on the street, and even the global mass consciousness.

Seeds for the massive planetary shifting now underway, including those you personally planted in previous incarnations, are sprouting at lightning speed! Because of this, you are now witness to the most revolutionary shifting humanity has ever undertaken.

Right now, you are in a process of being awakened to the truly dysfunctional state of your world, and the need to change the outmoded status quo. This is happening in phases, your own Higher Self bringing to your attention untruths and awareness about timeless and multidimensional approaches to reality.

The fact that these "secrets" are now revealed in a more mainstream way is a sign of humanity's great shift in progress."  forts.

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