lørdag 19. mars 2011

Forskere - kom på banen!

Kryon: Message of Hope ~ Japan
19 March 2011
Channeler: Lee and Kryon

Kryon kommer atter en gang med oppfordring til Vitenskapen på Jorda om å forske på alternative energikilder - men hvor er den jordiske vitenskapen? Det virker uforståelig at de ikke er på banen, når dette er kunnskap som har vært her i mange år allerede - og all den tid katastrofene står i kø for å utslette alt.

Utdrag fra kanaliseringa:

"Are you now aware of what I have been telling you for more than ten years about the alternate ways of creating electricity? This single event will shut down your nuclear programs for years. So now is the time to review what we have said:
Spirit does not judge humanity. Humans are free to do whatever they choose based on the consciousness that is developed by their own vibrations. For years, however, we have told you of very viable alternative ways to create power for all your cities. We have done it over and over, and you can find these channellings all through my work. Now perhaps you know why we have concentrated on this issue, for this one earthquake shows you the danger you face world-wide by continuing on the nuclear path.
Listen: You do NOT need this technology any longer. It will not serve you well.
Nuclear power is a very expensive and dangerous way to create a steam engine. That’s all a nuclear plant is… a way to create steam. Again we tell you that you can use the funds that would create one nuclear power plant to research far better ways to make electricity that are not dangerous and have almost no environmental impact.

A. Geo thermal energy: Heat is underneath your feet in abundance. You can create as much steam as you want forever. Remember, there are some new exotic fluids that will boil far faster than water, so the heat does not have to be what you think. If this disaster had occurred at a geo thermal plant, the worst it would have done would have ruined it. Then you build another.

B. Thousands of tons of push pull energy per hour, on a constant fixed time line [the tides] are available on your coast lines. This island nation is perfect for tide and wave generated power. Again, the worst thing that would have happened to these plants would have been the necessity to rebuild them. No danger to those living around them.

Are you going to take this world-changing event to finally see these options as real, and viable?
The nuclear disaster was created for you to stop and change direction. Only time will tell if it was worth it. But quite often disaster must occur before Humanity sees what has always been before them… the promise of something better.
The largest cities on earth sit on the ocean, perfect for this power generated option. But it has not been seen this way, nor are the potentials being realized. Think large!
Take the finest minds and create new scenarios to harness what GAIA has given you… the power of the tides and oceans forever, right where you need it the most.
The time is upon you to create the next step… "

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2 kommentarer:

An-Magritt sa...

Det er så bra at han nevner det igjen. Skrev om dette for ett år siden på hjemmesida, og nå sprer jeg det videre på Facebook.

Turid Tukáte Sandø sa...

Takk for kommentar og takk for at du sprer det utover.