On the Cusp of a New Age
A message from Mother Earth/Gaia
Channeled by Pepper Lewis
Monday, 14 March, 2011
Jeg anbefaler virkelig Pepper Lewis og hennes kanaliseringer fra Gaia. De er spekket med informasjon.
"There is a part of you that knows that you have come through a great desert, and while you are not all of the way through it yet, already you can see that there is an oasis before you-there are new truths, new and fresh resources, the next and new beginning."
"To begin the year, it would be best to describe the environment in which you will find yourself. This environment includes your physical surroundings, your community life, all of the ways in which you offer yourselves in your life, and even the direction or the focus of your life. The year 2011, then, is a year that will go very quickly. It is hoped that it will go very lightly for you, but in order for that to be the case, you will want to pay attention. You will not want to think, "Hmm. Ho hum. This is a year as any other," for I tell you that already you begin to enter the next age. The moment the clock strikes January 1 of 2011, you will already think that it is 2012."
Les her: http://spiritlibrary.com/channelings
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