lørdag 26. mars 2011

'Tryllestaven' som helbreder

An eLetter of Integrative Metaphysics
Publisher: Hannah Beaconsfield
Hannah Beaconsfield and the Pleiadian Light

Her er en tryllestav som er skapt for å forføre med god hensikt - den helbreder planter, dyr og mennesker like hurtig. Den er utprøvet i Kina over en 20-års periode og er nå på reise rundt om i verden. Ved bruk til mennesker åpner den også sansene så de kan kanalisere etterpå. Dyr reagerer svært posistivt og blir friske etter en runde eller to med denne 'magikeren'. Planter får optimale evner til å komme fram, ved bruk av tryllestaven. Den er virkelig magisk.

Tryllestaven har fått sin godkjenning fra 'andre siden', ved 'the Pleiadian Light'.

Hannah Beaconsfield and the Pleiadian Light

Many of the new technologies that are becoming available for alternative healing are bypassing the established medical/governmental avenues of distribution which, at this point, would only shelve them for prolonged testing or brand them as useless. It falls to lightworkers, particularly those dealing with their own multi-symptom ascensions and those who work in the various endeavors that are forms of energy healing, to evaluate the new techniques and tools. We need to share our experiences with each other until some clearinghouse organization can be established dedicated to an open-minded evaluation of this accelerating flow of new healing/nurturing technology.
As a walk-in and a “first ascender,” I’ve been dealing with the various physical and emotional challenges that are so much a part of this transformational process for about twenty-five years. I’ve explored any palliative that offered support or comfort. In the past I’ve channeled and written about the value of hexagonal water, meridian tapping (EFT), and electro-medical devices. I’m currently exploring various sonic effects, colored-light therapy, and ionic (alkaline) water and will be writing about them soon. This article is about the zero-point energy wand that has been running riot on the internet.

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