Når vi ser på hvordan livet arter seg, i oss og rundt oss, faller det lett å se at det er mye som ikke samsvarer med frihet og glede. Er det noe vi har hoppet over et sted på veien? Eller er det noe Abraham Hicks har sett bort fra da han formulerte dette? Har vi blitt fanget inn av noe underveis? Sheldan Nidle kanaliserer den Galaktiske Føderasjonen av Lys, og bekrefter historien om Anunnaki og hans erobring av jordboerne for tusener av år siden. Vi får også bekreftet jordboernes enorme omsorg for de utspekulerte 'mørke' energiene og evnen vi viste for arbeidet med å foredle så grove energier til ekte lys. Og nå er denne arbeidsøkta snart over!
"For the first time you have been set truly free and are able to live your lives in peace, abundance, and true sovereignty. These reforms are a natural reaction against the darkness inculcated by the Anunnaki into their former earth minions. That group, the dark cabal, is characterized by hubris, misused knowledge, and erroneous beliefs that have long since been intrinsic to this reality. Nearly a half century ago, a point was reached where you were to be given some of the technologies you are now enjoying. At that time the dark chose to deny you these benefits and assassinated or drove from power those who were on the verge of forging a world quite different from what then ensued. This process of repression was marked by several vicious wars and economies taken, at times, to the point of collapse. The present world is a result of what occurred over those decades. These harsh events gave rise to our Earth allies and a determination by the Light to transform your world and bring you to the very brink of full consciousness. These points led Heaven, at the end of 1980, to call for a full-scale first contact mission. These decrees sent us to your shore in vast numbers and we began to intervene in your affairs shortly after our arrival."
Les mer her: http://www.paoweb.com/
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