onsdag 17. november 2010

The Cycle of Worth and Value

Jennifer Hoffman

Det kan være verdt å lese det Jennifer Hoffman skriver om Venus i retrograd nå, fordi det kan ses i relasjon til det som skjedde i 2002, og på den måten gi ny innsikt og forståelse i eget liv.

Earlier this month I wrote about the current Venus retrograde cycle, which ends this week. This cycle is important because it is recycling energies and lessons of 2002, as the retrograde sign and degrees are very similar to those that occurred then. What were you doing then, what was happening in your life, what were some of the challenges you were facing and are they repeating themselves at this time? Chances are that you can find similarities in what you are experiencing now and what was happening then and make some profound changes with that information. Forts.

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