tirsdag 10. mai 2011

Sterk energistrøm mot Jorda

10 May 2011

Nye energier strømmer inn denne måneden. De som merker energien og synes den er sterk, aksepter det. De som var på Atlantis, kan gjenkjenne energien om de soomer inn på den. Dette er skapelsens energi - ta den inn og la den åpne opp for sannheten. Det er bare en virkelighet som er den reelle, sier Kuthumi - dere er alle En.

Gå inn her og se hele meldingen:

"I am Kuthumi. It brings me the greatest joy to be here today to deliver this message to all of humanity.

This month of May as you call it on earth is a very important month. So many new energies are being felt on the earth today. These energies are being felt very strongly by all who are sensitive to energies. This will increase tremendously beginning in the next week or so by your earth time. The energy that I am referring to is the Divine Energy, the energy of Mother and Father God, the energy of the All That Is. For those who are sensitive to the energies, you will feel these energies very strongly. Please do not be confused by this energy, accept this energy for what it is and allow this energy to flow through you and outside of you. This is the great vibrational energy that everything is connected to, this is the energy of the All That Is. Many of you will feel your connection to this energy. As you become more in tune with this energy you will more clearly see who you are and you will allow this energy to flow through you and outside of you and in this way you will be able to help many others."

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