onsdag 18. mai 2011

Kontrollen går - Intuisjonen kommer

The Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home
Changing the Future Sat May 28, 2011
Espavo. From The group
Channeler: Steve Rother
Greetings from Home

Det kan være fryktsomt for mange nå fordi den gamle trygge malen holder på å løsrive seg fra kroppen. Dette er skremmende opplevelser for de som har vært avhengig av å ha kontroll - føler seg maktesløse uten ... "if you have a glass of water and all of a sudden the glass disappears, you would have water all over the floor where it would assume its own form rather than hold the form of the glass."

Changing the Future

"We have told you that it is very important for you to start releasing this energetic structure which has housed your energy in the physical body. Even if you do not release the template, you are now aware of it. Each one of you have chosen a very specific body almost like your own house, you dressed it up the way you like and make it work the way you want it to. You made this body your own. The body also carries with it this energetic template that holds the energy within a certain framework and interacts in ways in which you, as humans, are very comfortable. As you start releasing this template, you have many concerns because the container is what actually gives you form, or so you believe. In other words, if you have a glass of water and all of a sudden the glass disappears, you would have water all over the floor where it would assume its own form rather than hold the form of the glass. A similar situation is happening with each one of you. Now your minds are whirling, as you envision your brains spilling out onto the floor. This is so cute…we think that is very amazing the way you think. What is happening is that you are taking the boundaries off of your expectations. You are starting to release the expectations of what your body was supposed to do, for now there are possibilities to reach far beyond what you had every dreamed of. It will simply take a new thought or idea a new piece of the puzzle that can spread throughout all humanity, showing what it looks like and how you can create something consciously."

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