11 May 2011 Channeler:
Mike Quinsey
Den Galaktiske Føderasjonen blir stadig mer aktiv i hele verden. Oppfordringa til oss er at vi bør ha et positivt syn og være sentrert. Det er hovedpoengene - positiv og sentrert - slik skal vi gå inn i den Gylne Tidsalderen.
Det er klart at Lysets motparter ikke akter å legge inn årene enda, men den Galaktiske Føderasjonen har føringen og holder orden i stadig større områder på Jorda. Ettervirkningene av katastrofene som settes i verk av våre motparter, får aldri den tiltenkte effekten på de områdene som rammes. Det betyr bl. a. også at Føderasjonen har ryddet opp etter katastrofen i Japan - strålingen fra reaktorene gjør ingen skader. Føderasjonen kan ikke bare gå inn å slette all 'gjeld' for de jordboerne som har det i de ulike områdene. Her er det grenser som ikke kan overskrides, men de nåværende ødeleggelsene som katastrofene forårsaker - kan minskes.
"SaLuSa 11-May-2011
The Galactic Federation is becoming more active all around your world, but even if you were aware of it you would not necessarily know the reasons for it. There are certain issues that concern your safety, but we are not at liberty to give you much in the way of details. For a long time we have so to say, cleared up the mess left by the dark Forces, who set out to disrupt and cause the maximum amount of trouble. This has been particularly evident in the last few years when they stepped up their activities. The bigger problems are such that we have relied upon our allies to help tackle them, and they have centered around the money markets and the Petroleum Industry. We have had to break down the controls that have brought about exactly what the Illuminati have desired, to give them absolute command of the key markets. Through their manipulation and dictates over oil prices, they have grown immensely wealthy whilst what you often call the “ordinary people” have had to foot the bill. It has not been easy in response to refrain from overstepping our authority, but there have always been boundaries that we have had to maintain. It comes back to karma and experiencing your creations so that you learn the consequence of your actions. We cannot just step in and prevent them but we can often lessen the impact upon you.
We find that the world is dividing into groups that have common interests, and in some ways that is the best approach to bring some degree of stability. Ultimately, when it is seen that you are One, there will be then be a strong desire to work as One having realized that it is the way forward. Competition such as you have now will be replaced by cooperation, and people’s energy will go towards positive functions in the interests of all people. On a spiritual level there will also be a coming together in understanding, as where strong beliefs were held these will be opened up to sensible discussion and changes if necessary. Eventually only that which is of the truth will remain, and by then Mankind will have learnt the lessons resulting from separateness. Your objective all along was to rise up out of it, and create harmony and balance through being able to adopt the principle of Unconditional Love. The sooner you can begin to live your life that way, the quicker you will reach the higher dimensions."
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