lørdag 14. januar 2012


Jeg tror barn bærer på en informasjon mange voksne kunne tenkt seg og tatt del i, om de bare visste ...!  Barn er åpne kanaler og både får og gir informasjon. Kanskje er det ikke barnehagen som er det optimale for de små, kanskje burde de vært et sted hvor deres kunnskaper ble tatt i betraktning på en helt annen måte.  Det blir nok en forandring snart.

"You know how my grandkids are with intuiton, etc and this whole 2012 issue? I wanted to ask you about this. my youngest grand daughter told me today, that shes been seeing ships in the sky, that they followed her home from the cottage. She said that they are watching over her, and her sister. She said that they are aliens. One is named Ashtar, and he or she told her, that they are going to show them rainbows in the sky, and fireworks and sparklers, and that soon it will get very dark out, for days, and we have to go to the cottage because not everyone will be understanding what is happening and that its safe there."   forts.

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