lørdag 28. januar 2012

"The Passion of the Christ" Lisa Gawlas - 28 January 2012

"The Christ is the pure essence of your Life Force. The part of every one of you who is not injured or traumatized by the human condition, but is Alive thru it.

The Christ is a collective energy not given to any one individual, not ever. In your recent past there was a group of people who called themselves the Essene's. They loved as this energy - The Christed Ones.

In the Esseerne community the word Christ as you know it today, was a term of fullness. Not a word to make one single person stand out, but an energy that was recognized within the All as it flowed out wards into creation. The Esseernes were not the only ones, not even the first ones to live within this collective energy field. They, however, are the ones your fleeting memory remembers. But even that memory is soiled by non-truths given to humanity for millenia.

The only reason we talk to you today using the word/energy of The Christ is because you do recognize it's importance and value. We would like to keep something familiar within what only appears as unfamiliar. This earth was birthed in The Christed Energy. There was not a soul, not a plant, animal, bird or fish that did not recognize and understand who and what they are. Nothing in all of this creation seen itself as separate from the whole. Nothing. Nothing was more than or less than anything else. All of Life, loved and served All of Life."   forts.

A Message from The Guardians:  The Passion of the Christ
Channeler:  Lisa Gawlas    28 January 2012

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