mandag 23. januar 2012

David Icke Says Enough!

David Icke Says Enough! Let Us Put Our Differences Aside and Unite.
Posted by clnews_Featured_, Featured Videos, New World OrderMonday, January 23rd, 2012

This powerful video clip contains one of David Icke’s most important (and urgent) messages: stop fighting and let us 99% unite “behind what we should all believe in – freedom for all irrespective of who we are.” 

The video does include a controversial message that caused one very irate gentleman, who was likely a veteran, to walk out of Icke’s seminar in Santa Monica last year (which was witnessed by two CLN editors). That message is for the young adults to stop being fooled into believing that they are serving their country and to refuse military service.

Soldiers are not there serving their country, serving their people.  They are there serving the cabal that is seeking to enslave their people and their families.  As Einstein said, “The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that refuse military service.”

And more are equal to that: the adults beyond military service who support those that refuse to serve this control system in uniform.  “Oh no.  You’ve got to serve your country.”

You serve your bloody country.  I ain’t doing it, just like those wonderful Israeli young people.

Icke is followed on the video by the testimonies of four young Israeli conscientious objectors, who have been jailed for refusing to serve in the Israeli army:

“We are Israeli Conscientious Objectors.  That means we refuse to serve in the Israeli army because they are occupying another people – the Palestinians. Palestinian kids can’t go to school because of checkpoints, or even get healthcare. Many young Palestinians go to prison for no reason.  A lot of them have been killed, or their homes demolished.  The government says that this policy is keeping us safe.  But, denying the Palestinians their basic human rights puts us all in danger.  It’s illegal.  It’s wrong.  It’s immoral. It’s against my personal beliefs.  It’s against my basic values.  That is why we are conscientious objectors.

“We are being jailed for refusing to serve in the army.  We need your support.  Palestinians, Israelis, Jews, Muslims, Christians, atheists, everyone – WE ALL NEED TO STAND TOGETHER against violence, against repression, no matter who does it.  Take a stand with us for peace, co-existence, and a REAL FUTURE FOR CHILDREN LIKE US.”   forts.

David Icke Says Enough! Let Us Put Our Differences Aside and Unite.
Featured Videos, New World OrderMonday, January 23rd, 2012

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