mandag 16. januar 2012

Galactic Federation First Contact

"Keywords in this first contact is Love and Truth. Nothing will be as before. A reunion together with thousands of Cosmic Civilizations, only in this galaxy. It´s a step by step process which will introduce us to the universal family.

The media shows only a fraction of the truth of what is happening on Earth. One who seeks answers will have to find them on his own. The truth is that changes are bigger and stronger than anyone can imagine. Our planet is about to break out of its old shell and rise up to a higher frequency and that concerns everything that lives on her.
Now I want to speak about the implications of first contact.
People will see and feel this Cosmic Contact in different ways, depending on their beliefs.

Some will see them as saviors, “saving” them from Evil.
Some will see them as Angels that are “above” the earth people.
Some will Fear them because they “feel something unknown”.
Some will have very mixed emotions and feel very confused.
Some will see with their hearts, the true nature of This Event and all the positive changes it will bring, in a state of Love and Peace.
There is no right or wrong way to see this, “it simply is”.  But many will become confused due to their “perception filters” or old glasses they have worn throughout their life."      forts.

Ben Arion ~ Galactic Federation First Contact -Through Diversity We Find Unity - 16 January 2012

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