mandag 30. januar 2012

Gjør deg klar ...

Nå er tida inne for å vise det vi alle har ventet på så lenge.  Snart sitter vi rundt TV-apparatene og ser med store øyne ...

"Siam Pali’. I am Pelo of the Galactic Federation of Light. I would like to speak to you today about ascension and what you can do to help your brothers and sisters along the way. There are many things you can do to help ease this transition for your fellow planetary beings, and it all starts with love and compassion. These ideals are very powerful tools for you to possess at this time, and I would like to show you how you can utilize them most efficiently at this time. When someone comes to you either in person or through your Internet and they share with you that they are frightened in any way about the changes occurring either inside of them or outside of them in their world, the first thing you can do is try to find out just what is the cause of this fear. Are they afraid of a specific area of these events, such as the extraterrestrial presence, or are they fearful that they may become separated from their loved ones? In many cases, the only way to find out is to ask, and then to listen."  forts.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 
29 January 2012 - Channeler: Greg Giles

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