onsdag 29. juni 2011

Å tolke "Symbolspråk"!

I denne kanaliseringa kommer Crystalai med forklaring på hvorfor de forhåndsannonserte værendringene som skulle skje på vestkysten av Amerika - enda ikke har skjedd. Vi må alltid huske på at det som kanaliseres til oss fra høyere frekvenser kommer i symbolspråk, og dette kan skape noen misforståelser hvis vi ikke forstår hva symbolene står for. Så her som alltid ellers, det er vår egen evne til å forstå som avgjør utfallet.

Gå inn på denne siden og les hele kanaliseringa:

Crystalai: "The latest warning of June 15 was just one more warning. The Beloveds are not meaning to create fear. They are trying to create intelligence. They are trying to get their human angels to wake up and take their stations. They have made it very clear that being on the coast line is not an intelligent choice.

The Starry Brotherhood has told us many times over the past eleven years that they would give us a three day warning in case of a catastrophic event that they would need to guide us from or even send ships to pick us up or to shift us in dimensions to protect us.

This is one of those times. The three day warning doesn't mean you only have three days left. It means they are giving a three day warning. This phrase has been used so many times in the past eleven years, that it obviously has a different meaning than we might associate with it. It is like a cue, a symbol that only has meaning to human angelics and starseeds that know that it is time to take their stations.

Since one day in God Time is Billions of light years in length, it could be that three days actually means three months warning. It is obvious that the Beloveds have warned us for twenty years to get away from beach front property. They are just trying to give us PLENTY OF TIME TO PREPARE. That's what I think.

For instance, if I didn't move away from Monterey three years ago, it would be much more difficult to move from there before August. My starry family warned us to get out of there and they did give us a three day warning at that time. So, for us, the three days actually meant three years. Time doesn't exist in any realm except this Visible Light three dimensional realm. The Beloveds are just doing everything they can to help us."

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