mandag 2. september 2013

HEART POWER - September 2013 - By Lee-Anne Peters

Greetings and welcome to the new month of September!

"September for us in the Southern Hemisphere means the ground becomes warmer, the birds are singing, the flowers starting to bloom and we start to awaken from winter hibernation. Seeds that dropped in autumn were held dormant in the cool soil, and will now start to germinate.

In the Northern Hemisphere you are moving out of the warmth and the ‘peak’ of heat and starting to cool down as the days become shorter and some of the animals prepare for the winter – gathering food and ensuring their shelters are strong.

I used to reject the seasons – really feeling the cold and not enjoying winter much at all, however in the recent years this rejection has softened and I am really enjoying the entire seasonal journey. I feel we can learn a lot from the cyclic adjustments.

August – what a month! We made tremendous leaps and bounds towards the manifestation of our dreams AND we became MORE connected to our heart. We cried, healed and opened our HEARTS more last month, and with this saw a great increase in HEART POWER – a deep heart strength that has and will continue to assist us in every facet of our daily life!

I feel we have a lot coming in September, and that Augusts busy-ness was in fact a preparation – or the building of momentum as we hit September head (or should I say HEART) on…

Early September we are being guided to move in a different direction – especially in those subtle and subliminal ways in the way we live, approach, think, converse etc. As we get out a magnifying glass and take a good hard, close and honest look at where we are and where we are going – and ensuring this completely matches with our heart and especially how we feel towards SELF. I feel that there is a suggestion here to look at stablising and balancing our direction and where we wish to be and how we want to get there. Find that inner balance as we stand strong in our HEART POWER and step forward on our new path.

Around the 10th of September there is a feeling of swift movement. It’s like a right hook comes and side swipes many of us. This right hook knocks and shocks (pleasant or not so pleasant) us a little and we are left stunned and spinning. This will be a pivotal moment that will set things up for us later in the year – especially into November. There is great opportunity within this sudden announcement / news.

Our sometimes hidden confidence and inner strength will be called into action mid September as we stand in our Goddess / Feminine Power and feel more synched up to the flow than ever before – facing our fears and stepping out of our comfort zone as we move to the next level!

This will lead into a powerful end of the month with the manifesting of facets of our dream – and our dreams / goals will be ever so important to us at this period too. Physically our body may become pleasantly exhausted! Meaning exhausted through dedication from the heart, and not exhaustion through over worrying / negative thinking. The latter is more of a drained exhaustion, whereas the former is more of an accomplished exhaustion – big difference.

Towards the end of September we will see many shift / end / begin new employment or a shift in the home. This is getting serious and we may find most of September is filled with preparing for this – spring cleaning, physical detox, mental purification etc. As we trust our instincts and urges (mixed with our common sense) then we will flow with this smoothly.

Have lovely synchronistic moments during September – remember to play your part and notice the role YOU have in this great rhythmic dance!

HINT: Print up your words of wisdom and read it from time to time throughout the coming month."

Lee-Anne Peters

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