søndag 21. juli 2013

You are expanding and becoming more YOU ... and it's changing everything.

"Hello and welcome! I'm Meredith Murphy, the founder of Expect Wonderful. I'm so happy you're here! Expect Wonderful exists to assist you in remembering and claiming the fullness of your being. I am a channel, writer, artist and guide.  I share my gifts of channeling higher dimensional energies and transmitting messages to ignite your inner knowing. Expect Wonderful articles, energy updated, events and programs are offered to remind you of your innate capacities, provide you with pathways to open more fully to who you are, opportunities to share that new way of being with others and together, to create new ways of living on Earth. 

I know beyond a doubt, that we were meant for JOY. Bliss even. Happiness and ease. Uninhibited creativity. Openness and curiosity. Confident knowing. Playfulness. Exquisite moments of connection and appreciating beauty. We are designed with the capacity to access energy and information from all of life. And all of life is attentive to our presence, inviting us to dance. We're remembering all of this, in essence, remembering how to live directly as the true divine being we actually are, while in our human form.

All of life is experiencing this upliftment -- planetary consciousness is evolving and ascending as are all forms of life on Earth. In this dynamic dance, we are profoundly supported and guided. Our own higher dimensional aspects, the continuum of our being, is increasingly present, expanding our embodiment, and the angels, archangels and ascended masters, along with many star families, are supporting our experience on the ascending energy arc. We only need give our permission for these energies to enter our lives more fully, more consciously, with more prominence and more expansion, to empower this experience.

As we open to our own life this way, inviting our fullness, our higher self, our soul, our cosmic presence, our universal self, our I AM presence into our human energy system, we embody our divinity. As we question things we've always thought were so, we create the openings for a different experience."   forts.

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