onsdag 3. juli 2013

We create the 5th Dimension

Det er ikke snakk om at vi kommer til noen dimensjon i det heletatt, som sådan.  Det avhenger alltid av hvor mye vi evner å forstå!  Det er ikke bare dimensjonene vi skaper, vi skaper alt vi opplever.  For at vi skal erfare noe, vi først skape det!

"Yes, all physical reality is multidimensional and an illusion, but we create them to have an experience of singular individuality.  They exist in the same "location", which is infinite. But at the same time, we choose to be aware of only a tiny little spectrum of that all encompassing "reality".  That tiny spectrum dictates what we experience as "real".

The difference between the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions are ones of empowerment, subtlety of solid matter, and capacity to do.

Therefore, what we experience in the subtler dimensions is what we choose to experience there. They don't "exist" until we create and move our awareness into that space.

There are no dimensions in Oneness, because there is no singular construct of individuality with "other", whether "other person" or "environment.

From a standpoint of Oneness, the difference between the 3rd and the 5th dimensions are infinitely small and insignificant.  But from our standpoint, and awareness, there could not be two more different experiences of physical existence.

And, the most important point, these are not dimensions we move into, but actively create moment by moment by our raising of our personal vibration, raising the vibration of the planet, and being fully aware of our intention and energy behind all our communications with other and self. It's a personal process of creation."    forts.

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