lørdag 6. juli 2013

Sheldan Nidle 12 Ben, 1 Kumku, 9 Eb

"Selamat Balik! We come with much to tell you. At this time, an exchange of legal documents is underway which paves the way for the final exchanges sanctioning the various prosperity programs to be fully funded by the Dragon families. It also authorizes Quan Yin and St. Germain to sign disbursement papers for each of their world trusts. The individuals who make up these international boards of trustees are similarly immersed in these complex-signing procedures. Concurrently, the many organizations set up to distribute these funds are alerting their regional trustees that the time long awaited by all is fast approaching. This final flurry of activity owes its legitimacy to a very special set of legal protocols, and its implementation at this time is made possible in part by the First Contact Board's sagacious use of what we call the galactic option. This is simply the power behind the Light to get things done. It has allowed favorable legal decisions to be secretly handed down and these are now ready to bring our long journey to a most marvelous moment of manifestation!

   As all of this moves inexorably forward, we monitor the many schemes of the dark cabal. So far we have been able to neutralize the deleterious effects of the global chem-trails that the dark has sprayed into the atmosphere for around a decade. This ongoing depredation has severely disrupted the natural balance of your atmosphere and spread pestilence and disease across the globe. It is threatening to trigger a great extinction cycle, decimating humanity as well as the entire ecosphere of the planet. Our countermeasures in this area are preparing the ground for the time after disclosure, when our technology can safely return Gaia's atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses back into the state of balance that existed just after the end of WWII, in late 1945. This point of terrestrial balance can be moved; it is simply a starting point that ultimately needs to be moved 'back' to an even more pristine time, over 2500 years ago. This is the point to be worked toward once we have begun to distribute some of our technology among you.

   Once your interim government makes its initial announcements, we intend to oversee this technology disbursal and do what is necessary to ensure that the many government programs are successfully launched. This will be our prime focus before disclosure. Our sacred mission is to do all that is deemed vital to shift you toward full consciousness as this is why we are here. Our Agarthan liaison teams and associated personnel are working diligently to push the dark out of power. You can see that many abuses of power are still at work in all corners of your world, and while these things are upsetting for us we remain in full compliance with the edicts laid out for us in Heaven's divine plan. Rest assured, the expressions of the dark cabal's arrogance are very shortly to be transformed. We have witnessed the legal rulings that your new governance will use to change many of these injustices. And soon thereafter further great changes of heart will come to pass when the Ascended Masters begin their new teachings around the world, and this will engender a great change in attitude in all your societal structures. Indeed, the truth of so many things coming to Light will alter a great many perceptions among a great many people." forts.

Sheldan Nidle Updates

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