fredag 19. juli 2013


Livet på Uranus er helt ulikt livet på Jorda.  På Uranus kjenner de ikke til verken sykdom, død eller annet forfall. Folket blir opp til sju-åtte meter høy.  De har ikke noe slør som skygger for innsikten, og derfor fløyker de seg heller ikke bort i illusjon.  Det er mye mer som er ulikt livet på Jorda.

"Lord Maha Chohan, July 1956:  “URANUS is a very large planet and there are a tremendous number of lifestreams evolving upon it.  The people on this large planet of Uranus are beyond disease, death, or decay.  The vibratory action is much more rapid than it is upon the Earth [the reason our telescopes see incorrectly].  The people are of larger statue; they are seven to eight feet tall, golden haired and blue-eyed.  Strength, vitality, and power are the predominant qualities.  The people of Uranus are those described as belonging to the time of the Amazons, when the beautiful ladies of the golden hair dwelt on Earth.  Most of them came from Uranus and many of them have during their repetition of earth life taken on smaller bodies through mercy and wisdom of the Cosmic Law, in order to be less conspicuous ...

On Uranus, the center of the entire planetary scheme is built on the spiritual priesthood, which is fully acknowledged and which governs not only the main continent where the main Temple is located, but also the other continents on that planet.  The people there recognize absolutely the Divine Sovereignty of this Cosmic priesthood.

The people of Uranus are very large in proportion and very beautiful.  A three year old child stands as high as four and a half feet.  They are trained from childhood in the Rites of Invocation, and Radiation; in the powers of levitation, precipitation, and etherealization.  The Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings walk and talk with them as you walk and talk with each other.  There is no veil, no maya [illusion], no human creation around the planet and it is a most marvelous thing to see what an evolution can accomplish when there are not those rip tides of psychic energy, nothing to hinder the expansion of the Immortal Flame within the heart fulfilling the Divine Plan and Pattern.

Their buildings are colossal.  Having the power of levitation, there is no need for mechanical machinery.  Everything is done by mindforce; the coloring is done by feeling.  Their atmosphere is perfect.  The moisture does not come in rainfall, but by a coarse substance that comes through what is similar to your earth.  The body structure itself of Uranus is a beautiful green instead of brown.  The moisture comes through the porous substance, fills their lakes, rivers, and cisterns, and fills the atmosphere with the necessary moisture.  The water is aquamarine; the landed surface is a darker green; the verdure and growth variegated in color.  That is determined mostly by the Aura of the individuals who represent the unit of people residing in certain localities.  The continental Devas affect the entire contour and over-all color of the various continents.  The great planetary Silent Watcher governs and controls the entire Uranium Aura in the atmosphere."   forts.

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