søndag 14. juli 2013

We are the Arcturian Group - JULY 14, 2013

"We are here to give messages of love and light.  All of you reading these messages are Beings of Light--some more aware of it  than others, but all trying to understand spiritual  truth while living lives under a veil of forgetfulness that comes with an incarnation on earth.  

All is proceeding according to plan so try not to accept appearances that say nothing is happening. Any concepts still held as what the change must look like will simply result in doubt and confusion. Some changes will appear as expected, but at others will not. Much is taking place on levels you cannot see with your human eyes especially if you are expecting to  see it through popular media.  Chaos is a sign of great energy release and change.  Allow the process to unfold while staying in the highest light and truth you know and sending Light to the world. This is all about moving beyond duality and into the realization that all is One and it begins within the heart--unfolding within individuals who have been on a spiritual path for many years as well as within those who have never before given any  thought to  living differently. 

Learn to  see beyond  third dimensional appearances to the spiritual reality existing behind the scene in the realization that good appearances are just as much illusory as bad appearances. Human eyes  see only the mind's interpretation of a spiritual idea and thusly any mind  filled with concepts of duality (this is good but that is bad), will always manifest  experiences of good and experiences of bad. The work of evolution is to move beyond  beliefs of good and evil and into the realization that there is only One Divine Consciousness and IT contains no opposite.  

You are ready to accept that you are creators but  you must decide whether to create from a level of truth  or to continue creating from within the duality and separation of the third dimension.  As you learn to see through material appearances to the reality behind them, life on earth will begin to lose its sting--events and appearances that would have once caused distress are now seen in a new light and with it new understanding--spiritual growth is taking place."   forts. 

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