fredag 5. juli 2013

Matthew - July 4, 2013

"US “independence”; God: politics, three levels of participation, assessing candidates; multiple effects of prevailing vibrations; memory loss; dietary benefits; balance.

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. From our vantage point, Earth looks like a sea of strobe lights as people are responding to the prevailing vibrations. You are feeling what is going on much more than seeing developments.
We will get back to that, but first we want to give you an important glimpse of history that relates to the United States’ celebration of its independence from England with traditional Fourth of July parades, patriotic speeches and fireworks.

The highest universal council meant for the colonies that fought for independence from British rule to be a showcase of souls’ sovereignty. Once united, this nation was to have shown the rest of the world that when people are free to exercise God-given rights, they live peacefully, cooperatively, creatively and prosperously.

Successive waves of early settlers followed their urge to “be free” and the founders of the United States acted upon their divinely inspired mission to form a nation that guaranteed civil liberties, however limited those were in the beginning since many in the population were excluded. The darkness that was heavily entrenched on the planet enabled slavery to flourish and denied women the right to vote.

Those exclusions mattered not a whit to the Illuminati whose power, in part, was seated in England’s royal family. They were not about to forfeit control of the “free” populace or the land’s vast wealth of natural resources, and they swiftly extended their European empire across the Atlantic. Through the top figures in industries, banks and government—and later sneaking into law the Federal Reserve System that in no way is a federal institution—the Illuminati regained control of the United States.
During the centuries since they extinguished the beacon that nation was intended to be for your world, they kept spreading their network of corruption and deception until it was global. Now that the network is losing the remaining remnants of its former power, step by step you are consciously claiming the sovereignty that always has been yours as the god and goddess selves you are.
Now then, whenever our messages include politically-related information, readers email their objections. This is one of the more gracious comments: “If the messages are to prepare us spiritually for ascension, as Matthew has said, he should stick to that and stop trying to influence our political opinions.”

Rather than explain again why we speak about political issues and their importance in the context of ascension—Earth’s and your society’s—I have asked my mother to copy what God said about this."    forts.

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