mandag 8. juli 2013

AA Metatron: Sacred Activation of the Green Ray & Emerald Flame - 7 July 2013 - Channeler: James Tyberonn

Sacred Activation of the Green Ray & Emerald Flame  -  Archangel Metatron Channel

"Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light and I greet each of you in a vector of unconditional love as you read these words.

We joyously share with you the coming 'full activation' of the Green Ray & Sacred Emerald Flame into the Ascended Earth. Masters, this is a long awaited event, one promised eons ago in an enlightened epoch. In a luminous time in which the Earth carried greater dimensional access and you communicated clearly & blissfully with all Kingdoms of the Earth. An illuminated period in which you had the ability to lucidly interact & fully communicate with all elements and kingdoms of the Earth. It was the time of the full spectrum of the Emerald Dimension....and it is returning!

Many of you are called again to anchor the activation of this emerald evolution. It is nigh and will be marked by an extraordinary trine & cometized energy, carrying expansive codes. Codes you have waited eons to receive, it is a soul promise and sacred contract for many. It is part of the new beginning, of the new perception & attributes available to you.

The Green Ray Infinity-Gate Activation

The New Earth has expanded into 12 dimensions, and you now have 12 chakras directly connected to each primary dimension and 20 chakras connecting to the intra sub-dimensional fields within the spectrums of the Omni-Earth.

You are evolving into a greater consciousness. And so it is logical to understand that this encompasses all kingdoms of the earth. The basic expansion of the Planetary Ascension also invokes humanities frequencial expansion, including the addendum of all Earth-Kingdoms into your consciousness field. It is a paradigm shift. It will offer you the ability to connect lucidly with the all consciousness of and within Gaia. It is a requisite step toward your integral identity as part of and as co creators of the Earth.

Your dimensional access increased with the planetary Ascension through your chakras. So it is that the initial Sacred Codes of each 'new' chakra be received and installed beginning in 2013, Year One of the New Earth. It is done through the Green-Ray activation.

In August the Green Ray Infinity Portal occurs in the aperture activation of the Emerald Flame. The primary opening apex is from August 12-21, 2013.

And we tell you the 4th, 8th & 9th dimensions are formulated through and with the Emerald-Ray. The 8th & 9th dimensions will begin completing receival of the Geo-Codes of Thoth, through the aperture of the Emerald Flame Activation.

It initiates in the 8th month of 2013 and completes in the 9th month on the (September) Equinox. The apexial phase of the Green Ray Activation begins with the Perseids Meteor influx, and culminates on the full moon of August 20th. (Understand that astrological, astronomical events are energy shift catalysts, and in the New Earth, these are the base mechanisms of the new paradigm formation.)"    forts.

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