Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Arcturian Lessons Chapter 3 Final
Gå inn på web-siden til Suzanne Lie, for å lese alt Arcturianerne svarer på. Det blir gitt interessante svar.
"Jefferson: Hmm. Would it be right to say that there is a complement of my soul somewhere that is my Twin Flame?
Arcturians: Yes! That other component of your soul has likely, also, chosen to manifest as form. You all have an opportunity to have a Twin Flame marriage where you come together and marry your Twin Flame. This is not an easy marriage for that other person is here to teach you, and you must consistently confront yourself at all times within that marriage. When you enter the third dimension, however, you do not leave the higher worlds. It is more like you make a “copy” of your essence and paste that file into the third dimension. The original copy remains in its original place. Then, the copy that has been pasted can be greatly altered from the experiences from the lower worlds. At the time of your ascension into the fifth dimension, you share all your experiences with that original file to enhance and expand it. Do you understand that?
Jefferson: Wow, that exciting! I kind of do! So, basically, there is a possibility that you have your twin flame incarnated in physical form as a human being?
Arcturians: There is that possibility.
Jefferson: Is my twin-flame here?
Arcturians: Yes!"
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