lørdag 2. april 2011

Forgiftes Libya for evig - i FN's navn?

Krigen i Libya våren 2011.

Nedenstående har jeg sakset fra Steve Beckow's nettside. Mantraet til vår regjering er også; "De sivile i Libya skal beskyttes." Hvilken beskyttelse er det for de sivile i Libya at de pepres med utarmet uran mange ganger farligere enn bly? Hvilken framtid har de nå?

Denne forgiftninga av Libya, som vi er med på, må stanses umiddelbart!


"NATO Must Stop Using DU Weapons in Libya Immediately
2011 APRIL 2
by Steve Beckow
Depleted uranium: a strange way to protect Libyan civilians
By David Wilson

Global Research, March 27, 2011 http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=23985

Stop the War Coalition – 2011-03-26

“[uranium tipped missiles] fit the description of a dirty bomb in every way… I would say that it is the perfect weapon for killing lots of people.” Marion Falk, chemical physicist (retd), Lawrence Livermore Lab, California, USA

In the first 24 hours of the Libyan attack, US B-2s dropped forty-five 2,000-pound bombs. These massive bombs, along with the Cruise missiles launched from British and French planes and ships, all contained depleted uranium (DU) warheads.

DU is the waste product from the process of enriching uranium ore. It is used in nuclear weapons and reactors. Because it is a very heavy substance, 1.7 times denser than lead, it is highly valued by the military for its ability to punch through armored vehicles and buildings. When a weapon made with a DU tip strikes a solid object like the side of a tank, it goes straight through it, then erupts in a burning cloud of vapor. The vapor settles as dust, which is not only poisonous, but also radioactive.

Are British and US forces using Depleted Uranium munitions in Libya?
Thursday, 31 March 2011 15:07

Written by CND http://counterfire.org/index.php/news/news/11682-are-british-and-us-forces-using-depleted-uranium-munitions-in-libya

Following concerns that US aircraft may be firing depleted uranium ammunition in Libya, John McDonnell MP has today written to the Prime Minister, after an apparent change of government policy on the weapons made on the floor of the House of Commons.

Last week the Prime Minister appeared to improvise a new British policy on depleted uranium during the debate on military action in Libya, when he stated that British forces: “…do not use those weapons and are not going to use those weapons” . However, the MoD website still displays the previous policy position that: “DU anti-armour munitions will remain part of our arsenal for the foreseeable future because we have a duty to provide our troops with the best available equipment with which to protect them and succeed in conflict.” An MoD spokesperson confirmed this remains the position."

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