fredag 16. august 2013

What Will Raising Consciousness Mean for Humanity? By Patricia Cota-Robles

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"Are you seeking some clarity about what in the world is going on in your life? Well, you certainly are not alone. These are very confusing times. The Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her experienced unprecedented shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness on December 21-22, 2012. People around the world who were consciously aware of what was actually taking place during the Shift of the Ages thought that they would be able to tangibly experience positive changes in their lives immediately. Some people have experienced these changes, but many have not. Other people who were reading the hype but not really understanding what was happening, anticipated everything from the end of the world to the instant manifestation of Heaven on Earth. When neither of those things occurred, people erroneously determined that the Shift of the Ages was a hoax and that nothing happened.

Actually, nothing could be further from the Truth.

In fact, Humanity is now in the midst of a shift of consciousness beyond anything that has ever been attempted in any system of worlds. This is pushing everything from the old Earth that conflicts with the patterns of perfection for the New Earth to the surface to be completed and transmuted into Light once and for all. The accelerated challenges you may be experiencing in your personal life and the chaos you are witnessing around the world are evidence of this purging process.

Contrary to outer appearances, many people are experiencing amazing positive changes in their lives, but there are many people who believe that things have gotten worse in 2013. This phenomenon has inspired heartfelt pleas from the masses of Humanity asking our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven for answers and for Divine Intervention. In response, the Company of Heaven is projecting greater clarity and understanding into the mental and emotional strata of Earth. This is being done with the Divine Intent that awakening Humanity will raise our heads above the mud puddle of the surfacing negativity from the old Earth effectively enough to tap into these Celestial Sharings and Divine Guidance. This information from On High contains the answers we are seeking, and the clarity that will help us through this confusing phase of our Ascension process.

I would like to share with you some of the information being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Truth. Of course, the ideal is for you to reach up in consciousness and tap into the information that is being projected into the mental and emotional strata of Earth yourself. Only your own I AM Presence can interpret this information for you in perfect alignment with your Divine Plan. However, until you feel you are able to do that, ask your I AM Presence to help you perceive this Celestial Sharing through the eyes of Illumined Truth."   forts.

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