tirsdag 21. mai 2013

What is occurring planetwide is something so new and so startling . . . 05/19/2013 by John Smallman

"All of humanity is poised, expectant, sensing an intense energy of change flowing around them, about to impact their lives in ways that they cannot begin to imagine. Change is in the air, and everyone is feeling it.  It is unsettling because you are unable to identify it or compare it with anything that you have previously undergone, although some are dismissing it as mood swings, which you are also experiencing.  What is occurring planetwide at the level of energy – unseen and unmeasurable by even your most sensitive scientific instruments – is something so new and so startling that when it is recognized, as it will be very shortly, it will totally overwhelm your ability to be amazed, stunning you into open-mouthed astonishment.  Wonders that will delight you are to burst into your awareness like an unexpected, and unforeseen sunrise.  And far, far brighter than that could ever be."   forts. Johnsmallman's Blog

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