fredag 31. mai 2013

The Time Keeper og Steve Rother

Noe viktig vil skje i november 2013, sier Steve Rother og "The Time Keeper". Denne hendelsen planter frøene til et nytt liv på Jorda. Planeten blir i realiteten bestøvet! Tipset fra ånden i denne sammenhengen;  "Det er lurt å bruke hodeplagg utendørs - de første ca 50 timene etter dette sol-utbruddet."

Steve Rother and his guardian angel

~ Re-minders from Home ~

From Steve:

This month the group in collective returns to talk about what’s ahead for planet Earth. Last month the Time Keeper spoke about the release of the force field protecting Earth all of these years. Now the group speaks of an important event that will take place in November of 2013 that will plant the seeds of a new life on Earth. They are speaking of what NASA calls the ISON comet and it is due to reach us on November 28 2013. It is expected to distribute a wide blanket of cosmic dust on earth that the group says is carrying the new seeds of life.
Big hugs and gentle nudges

Tip for spirits pretending to be human: Wear a hat when outdoors 36-48 hours after a solar flare.

Note: This message has been edited and in spots rechanneled by the group for better clarity in this format.


Well, greetings, dear ones. Did you think I was not going to come in and say “Hi!” at least? I had to hug you all, give you one of my little smiles. There you go, I’m Elrah of rhythmic service. Now that we have that all settled, I am going to bring the rest of the group in for you, okay? It is kind of interesting because they do not call themselves the group. That is the name the Keeper sort of made up because he did not know what to call them, since they would not give him any names, you know. They are waiting to say a couple of words that are really important, so here goes.

Greetings from Home.

"Dear ones, it is such an honor to be in the essence once again of what Steve calls the collective of the group. But do you know who you are? We know who we are; it is no problem for us. We know exactly where we are going and what we are doing. The challenge is that most of you need to put some sort of label on us,  so that you can bring us into your world. The name he gave us was the group. Where did he get that name? What a strange name. We never introduced ourselves and said, “Welcome. We are the group.” What group? Whose group? What a name. Where did it come from? What does it mean? We wish to tell you much of it this day, for we will share a lot of the important pieces of what is ahead for all of you. There is so much that is taking place and it is rather interesting. But let us take you back to last month when the Time Keeper opened up a whole series of interesting pieces that we are going to bring in wherever we can. We will speak of this today so that you can understand from a larger perspective of what is taking place.

Are you aware that every human that has ever been on earth has looked for something outside of themselves to reflect them? All races throughout Earth have come up with a god, a deity, a master being that they have looked up to. Some of the races have drawn them into great edifices or made them into a master story that they have passed down from generation to generation. Humans would reflect their power in this way, which was actually much needed on planet Earth. All of you are creators; for the most part all of you are unconscious creators just awakening from the dream to understand what your real power is on planet Earth. Now you are starting to grasp that and own it, and there are some things that are taking place because your reflection in the world has changed. That was the message that we brought in through the Time Keeper last month, but let me explain a bit further so I can branch this out for you to grasp it in your world. All of you have something special that means a lot to you. Whether it is a deity that reflects your own creation, a belief system, a lucky pen, a lucky coin that you carry in your pocket, whatever it is. Whether you get up in the morning and read your astrology forecast, or you tune in to your own energies to find out where you are going to be that day. All of these are reflections of your power and all of them have just moved; they have released you. All of the powers that you have been seeing in these energies have now let go and moved further back. This is absolutely incredible, because it means that all of you can start to see more of your power in who you truly are on this planet for perhaps the first time. It is very difficult because you are carrying egos. We do not have to deal with those at Home. You need a sense of self so, therefore, you must be constantly balancing your ego. What is mine? What is theirs? Who is this? Where am I supposed to be? Well, we tell you that your heart knows the answer to those questions. That is why we are going to send you in this direction today, because you have been given the path; you have been given the road map way ahead of time just to see what has happened."     forts.

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